Farmers and veterinarians need to know about molds and mycotoxins
Farmers and veterinarians need to know about molds and mycotoxins Farmers and veterinarians need to know about molds and mycotoxins dairy milkproduction animal health mycotoxin fusarium herd cow aflaxotin t-2 toxin binder mexsil ergot fumonisin silage
Farmers and veterinarians need to know about molds and mycotoxins Farmers and veterinarians need to know about molds and mycotoxins dairy milkproduction animal health mycotoxin fusarium herd cow aflaxotin t-2 toxin binder mexsil ergot fumonisin silage
Farmers and veterinarians need to know about molds and mycotoxins Farmers and veterinarians need to know about molds and mycotoxins dairy milkproduction animal health mycotoxin fusarium herd cow aflaxotin t-2 toxin binder mexsil ergot fumonisin silage |
Robert A. Patton, PhD.
Nittany Dairy Nutrition
Mifflinburg, PA. USA
Is there a problem?
General Considerations
The Situation Outside
the US and Canada
What to do?
Known Mycotoxins
Personal Observations
and Practice Regarding Mycotoxin Binders
More Reading and Reference
Biography of Dr. Robert
A. Patton
Mycotoxicosis, the manifestation
of mycotoxin poisoning, has long been appreciated as an acute cause of poor animal
performance. It is only recently that chronic, subclinical mycotoxin load has
been appreciated as a cause of poor animal performance and increased disease
susceptibility. The adverse effects of mycotoxins are thought to be due to both
a direct effect on the animal and indirect by suppression of the immune system.
Molds and mycotoxins are
widely distributed in nature, occurring whenever there is sufficient organic
matter, temperature and water for them to reproduce. Because of the large volume
of feedstuffs that must be stored and distributed on dairy farms, considerable
opportunity exists for mold growth to appear. Some, if not all, molds can produce
a mycotoxin when subjected to stress. These mycotoxins ingested either in large
single doses or in small quantities over a long period of time can have adverse
effects on the productive capacity, the reproductive efficiency and the health
of the animals. Unfortunately, much of what we know about mycotoxins is conjecture,
because definitive studies on their effects in dairy cattle are lacking. Therefore,
much of this paper must deal with field experience as it relates to the solution
of mycotoxicosis. The focus of this paper will be on the practical and scientific
aspects of mycotoxicosis.
Is there a problem?
In general, it is difficult
to make a confirmed diagnosis of mycotoxicosis. There are several general symptoms
that may make one suspicious that a mycotoxin problem may exist. Many of these
symptoms are general and can be symptomatic of other problems.
- Consumption of dry matter is much less
(-2.0 Kg or 5 lb) or much more (+2.0 Kg or 5 lb) than would be predicted for
the present production. Less dry matter is generally a symptom of aflatoxin
or other serious mycotoxins. More intake than production warrants can indicate
problems with DON (deoxynivalenol) or zearalenone.
- A high incidence of digestive upsets. These
upsets can take the form of diarrhea and/or rumen stasis ("impactions"). Almost
any mycotoxin will at some dosage provoke these symptoms.
- Presence of a lot of mucous in the manure.
This is symptomatic of all mycotoxins, but much more prevalent with aflatoxin
or T-2 toxin. Presence of large amounts of mucous is symptomatic of a toxin,
although it may not always be a mycotoxin.
- A high incidence of disease associated
with depressed immune function, such as ureaplasm or Pasteurella pneumonia.
- Presence of a generalized tissue edema.
This is often evidenced by swelling in the brisket and hock areas. Cows are
very sensitive to any type of impact or insult. Swelling is often in excess
of what would be expected. This is associated with mycotoxins of the Fusarium
- A high rate of abortion or fetal resorption
without obvious infectious disease involvement. A total rate of abortion and
resorption above 15 percent would be considered high. Again almost all molds
provoke abortions. It is not necessary to have mycotoxins to produce abortions.
High levels of even benign molds can cause mycototic abortions. However, high
resorption rates coupled with short heats or nymphomania may indicate zearalenone
- A general unthrifty appearance of the cattle
with lower milk production than would be expected. Cows could have rough hair
coats, a "sad" appearance and generally a slightly arched back. Calculation
of the ration would indicate more milk production and better appearance than
is evidenced by the cows.
8. Animals do not respond
well to treatment for diseases.
None of these manifestations
can be considered diagnostic. But when they exist, especially in the absence
of more typical explanations, like poor management or presence of infectious
disease, the possibility of mycotoxicosis should be explored and steps taken
immediately to reduce the potential for mycotoxins to be a problem.
General Considerations
For mold growth to occur,
four conditions must exist: (1) there must be an adequate food source; (2) the
temperature must be maintained between 12 and 31(C; (3) there must be sufficient
oxygen to allow mold growth; and (4) there must be sufficient moisture, at least
in some parts of feed, for mold growth. Thus, if the farmer can control the availability
of oxygen and moisture, he can go a long way to prevent mycotoxins from being
produced on the farm.
Molds produce mycotoxins
in response to stress. For example, molds growing on corn, either in the field
or in storage, will produce no mycotoxin until subjected to freezing temperatures
or until subjected to moisture deprivation. Mycotoxin problems are more pronounced
in crops growing under cool, moist conditions and under drought stressed conditions.
Unfortunately both of these conditions occur annually in large portions of the
world. Mycotoxin production will be in direct proportion to the duration of this
stress. Conversely, it is possible that feeds heavily contaminated with molds
can be mixed, ground or treated so that obvious mold is not evident. Yet, this
feed can be completely contaminated with mycotoxins. Thus, a feed can have molds
and still not contain mycotoxins and have mycotoxins without mold. The only way
to properly evaluate these situations is the reaction of the cows. Even if mycotoxins
are present, it may be difficult to demonstrate their presence or their relative
Although there have been
about 400 mycotoxins identified, there are probably as many that have not been
fully characterized. Also, pure mycotoxin may have little animal impact. However,
the same mycotoxin, given at lower dose, but in conjunction with another mycotoxin,
may have a devastating effect on the health and productive ability of the animal.
Apparently different mycotoxins can potentiate the effect of other mycotoxins.
In general, animal symptoms
include: poor milk production, poor feed consumption, poor body condition, diarrhea,
quantities of mucous in the manure, anestrus, poor reproductive performance,
abortion, high disease incidence and general lethargy. However, presence of two
or more mycotoxins may completely change the symptomology of the mycotoxicosis.
Also, many of these are general symptoms and are the symptoms of other toxicosis,
parasites, disease, management or simply poor environmental conditions. Many
herds where mycotoxins have been a persistent problem have been labeled as "poor
managers." Thus, someone with experience and a consistent analytical approach
needs to sort out whether the problem is mycotoxins or other factors. At the
end of the day, this may be difficult to prove. Normally, we believe that mycotoxins
should be considered only after other causes of poor performance have been fully
explored. This does not mean that the mycotoxin needs to be demonstrated before
melioration takes place. For various reasons, it may be impossible to demonstrate
a toxin. Rather, if mycotoxin is suspected, the suspect feed should be removed,
or at least the quantities of the suspect feed decreased, and a toxin binder
should be added to the ration. Then cow performance should be evaluated. If health
and production improve, then one should keep pursuing the avenue of mycotoxins.
If no change in cow performance occurs, obviously another track should be taken.
Mycotoxins tend to accumulate
in the liver, causing liver toxicosis. Increases in the liver enzymes, particularly
SGOT (serum glutamic acid oxalate transaminase) and LDH (lactic dehydrogenase),
along with increased serum cholesterol levels and decreased white cell counts
without elevated body temperature are considered indicators of mycotoxins. Immune
system depression is another classic symptom of mycotoxicosis. Many of the reproductive
and health effects are believed to be the result of the general immune suppression.
However, there is also a "mycototic abortion" syndrome, where ingestion of molds
and mycotoxins directly results in the termination of gestation. Additionally,
evidence exists that abortions now identified as neospora canium abortions
may in fact be potentiated by mycotoxin.
In general, mycotoxins are
toxic to rumen bacteria, although it is thought that rumen microorganisms detoxify
between 80-90% of ingested mycotoxins. The other major site of mycotoxin action
tends to be in the intestines, both large and small. Depending on the toxin,
malabsorption of nutrients, excessive mucous production, tissue erosion, hemorrhage
and tissue necrosis have been reported. This often leads to loss of appetite,
severe diarrhea and weight loss.
Mycotoxin problems tend to
be typical of the farm or herd. Whether this is because of large amounts of inoculum
present either in the fields or in the storage structures, or whether there is
bad management of the feed and feeding program is not known. However, the author
has personally seen herds with apparently excellent feed preservation and feed
management that still had highly contaminated feeds. Farms that have a history
of mycotoxicosis should add toxin binders as a regular management practice.
Again, a word of caution:
many of these symptoms are not of themselves diagnostic. Also, not all mycotoxins
manifest these symptoms, and combinations of mycotoxins can produce symptoms
that are more severe or less pronounced than those listed. A diagnosis of mycotoxicosis
is not a panacea. Often, depending on the type of mycotoxin and the degree to
which the liver has been damaged, recuperation is slow, or in the case of cows
with severely damaged livers, it does not occur.
The Situation Outside
the US and Canada
Unfortunately, dairymen outside
the US and Canada face more challenges from mycotoxins. The primary sources of
mycotoxin tend to be corn, barley, wheat, cottonseed, sorghum, by-product feeds
which have been miss handled and silages. In Asia, copra meal also has a large
potential to be contaminated. These feeds may be of either national origin or
imported. There are some cases of other ingredients being contaminated, but these
feeds are by far the largest culprits. Silages continue to be the major source
of mycotoxin contamination in many parts of the world. Also, although aflatoxin
receives the major amount of attention of laboratory tests, we would like to
suggest that they are not the largest problem. Rather, we believe molds of the
Fusarium species cause far more mycotoxin problems.
There are several reasons
that corn, barley and wheat have the potential to be contaminated. First, in
various parts of the world they often harvested after standing for prolonged
periods in wet weather conditions. These are ideal conditions for Fusarium species
to initiate growth. Secondly, these grains are often stored in grain bins where
little or no aeration and re-circulation occur. Also, significant amounts of
U.S. corn, especially that grown in the mid-western region of the U.S., is contaminated
with mycotoxins every year. Unfortunately, some of this corn, because it will
not pass quality tests for the U.S. market, is price discounted and sold into
markets where testing is less stringent. If the price of these grains is significantly
below the prevailing market, it should be suspected that some mycotoxin contamination
might exist. This grain should be purchased only after it has passed a minimum
number of mycotoxin tests. If the feed smells moldy, then reject it as a source
of grain for the milking herd. The best advice in dealing with this situation
is to know the supplier. Grain dealers will not knowingly sell a bad load of
feed to a good client. However, if the purchaser is buying strictly on price
and is dealing on a one-time-only or hit-or-miss basis, the dealer will be more
inclined to sell grain based on the lowest purchase price.
The situation is largely
the same with cottonseed, except that in cottonseed, aflatoxin is by far the
greatest danger. Each year both in the U.S. and in Latin American countries,
dairy farmers will experience aflatoxin toxicity with some herds due to infected
cottonseed. In every case, this will be traced to the cottonseed being stored
at too high a humidity or to cottonseed that got rained on after storage. The
same advice applies to cottonseed as to corn. Reject obviously contaminated supplies
and buy from a known dealer.
As mentioned, silages continue
to be the major source of mycotoxin problems. In many countries, this can be
traced to the dependence on hand labor to empty trucks from the field, to distribute
the silage in the bunk and to remove silage from the bunk. This is further complicated
by improper sizing of silo stacks for the size of the herd. Silages usually contain
molds of the Fusarium types and are contaminated by the zearalenone, deoxynivalenol
acid (DON), Fusarium toxin and T-2 toxin. Unfortunately, corn silage, both because
it contains the greatest amount of inocula and because it is the most poorly
buffered, is the greatest danger. Alfalfa and grass silages are generally limited
to DON and T-2 toxin.
In order to make high quality
silages, it is necessary to fill quickly and pack continuously. This is nearly
impossible if hand labor is used to unload trucks and/or distribute the silage.
However, far more dangerous as far as molds are concerned is the practice of
hand unloading of bunker silos. It is the recommendation of almost all experts
in the field that 15 cm of silage be removed daily from across the entire face
of the silo in order to prevent mold growth. Typically what happens in many world
areas is that bunker silos are unloaded by taking a two-meter wide strip across
the top and then moving down the face. This often results in parts of the face
being subjected to aeration for more than a week. Obviously, this will encourage
mold growth. In order to really and truly reduce mycotoxin problems this practice
will have to be changed.
What to do?
What is a dairy farmer to
do if he suspects that he is feeding mycotoxin contaminated feeds? The first
step would be to try to remove the offending feedstuff. This is especially critical
if the suspected toxin is aflatoxin or T-2 toxin. However, many times, either
because the silage is contaminated or because supplies have been purchased in
large quantities, complete removal of the feed is impossible. If there are alternative
feeds available, the amount of the suspect feed should be reduced. If the feed
is silage, attempts should be made to remove as much mold as possible from the
stack and amounts of the feed reduced. Daily treatment of the silo face with
a mold inhibitor, such as propionic acid, will help to reduce mold growth. In
all cases a proven mycotoxin binder should be added to the ration whenever
mycotoxin is suspected. Even feed not obviously contaminated by molds may still
contain some mycotoxin. Levels of vitamin A and E should be increased both because
toxin binders may bind some of these vitamins, but also because they will help
to protect the immune system.
Toxin binders vary in their
ability to bind toxins, and some toxin binders can bind one type of toxin and
not bind any of another type of toxin. In general, bentonite products have a
disadvantage in that although they may bind the target mycotoxin they will also
bind other minerals and vitamins. Other binders may bind the mycotoxin temporarily,
but the mycotoxin may be released when further subjected to conditions in the
rumen and/or the small intestine. For this reason, a binder of proven scientific
effectiveness should be selected.
Careful record keeping is
a must in these situations in order to know if the remedies that have been started
are having the desired effect. Often farmers think the situation is getting better
when in fact it is the same or worse. Often dairy farmers think that what they
are doing to lessen the effects of mycotoxin is positive, when a study of the
numbers indicates that nothing is really happening. Pay close attention to production
per cow, feed consumption, diarrhea, abortions, heat cycles and body condition.
If these cannot be demonstrated to improve, then either the wrong feed has been
identified, the feed is contaminated several orders of magnitude more than suspected,
the wrong toxin binder has been utilized, or the problems are not caused by mycotoxins.
Dealing with mycotoxins is
difficult because we are just beginning to learn about their effects, treatment
and prevention. Better managers will have the records to indicate whether a problem
exits and whether initiated remedies are having the desired effect.
It has long been established
in disease situations that the presence of the disease must be demonstrated before
treatment should begin. This is certainly desirable in situations where mycotoxins
are present. There are, however, several caveats that must be applied to mycotoxin
- While demonstration of absence of mycotoxin
is good, demonstration of presence is not necessarily bad. First, virtually
all feed contains some mycotoxins at some level. This is a natural situation,
and the animal has a natural ability to detoxify some mycotoxin. It is only
when mycotoxins reach a critical dose that there are potential problems. For
example, 5 ppb (parts per billion) of zearalenone is no cause for concern, 50
ppb could be, while 100 ppb (unfortunately, a situation found in many corn silages)
is definitely dangerous. Many double immune assay kits used in feed mills and
on farms are not calibrated to reflect mycotoxin levels. We must know what the
level of contamination is before we can make adequate recommendations. Tests
without quantification are useless.
- As stated above, tests for the mold do
not indicate presence of mycotoxin. We must test for mycotoxin in order to demonstrate
true toxicity.
- Sampling of the feed, always crucial, is
even more critical in mycotoxin analysis. Silage samples should be taken across
the entire face of the bunk, not just on the edges where there are sure to be
higher loads of mycotoxin and not just at the center, where there should be
none. If a grain is suspected, samples must be taken in various places in the
bin. A TMR sample is excellent in this case, but again take samples from the
beginning, middle and end of the batch. These samples need to be taken over
several days and then combined.
- Absence of one mycotoxin does not mean
absence of all mycotoxins. For example, a feed may be free of aflatoxin and
laced with zearalenone. Or it could be free of both aflatoxin and zearalenone
and be contaminated with T-2.
- Demonstration of one mycotoxin does not
mean there are no others. Often laboratories test for aflatoxin first. If this
is found, they stop. It is very possible that feeds contaminated by one mycotoxin
may have several mycotoxins. Thus, testing should not stop with the confirmation
of one mycotoxin.
- There will be times when no mycotoxin can
be demonstrated, but when steps are taken to reduce mycotoxin effects, a positive
result is produced in the cows. Unfortunately, we do not know enough about mycotoxins
to be able to identify each one.
Known Mycotoxins
The following is a list of
the most well described mycotoxins, their origin, and their approximate safe
levels of inclusion as ppm or ppb per total dry matter. This list is by no means
exhaustive, nor can the levels of mycotoxin assumed to be safe be tolerated by
cattle under all circumstances. It is well known that lower levels of several
mycotoxins have a greater effect than one mycotoxin in high dosage. Also the
safe levels of mycotoxin listed below are at acute intakes. Feeding of lower
levels for prolonged periods of time may result in the same or more severe symptoms.
1. Aflatoxin is the mycotoxin
that is best recognized and best characterized. It is produced by molds of the
Aspergillus species and is a potent carcinogen. This is the reason aflatoxin
levels are regulated in raw milk in the United States. Symptoms include: decreased
appetite, decreased production, weight loss, high liver enzymes, loss of liver
function, abortion and ultimately death. Although aflatoxin is perhaps the most
dangerous of the mycotoxins, it really does little practical damage. This is
because its effects are severe and dramatic, which makes the change to aflatoxin
contaminated feeds noticeable. It is quickly associated with feed changes, and
the offending feed can either be reduced in quantity or removed. Also, feed companies
readily appreciate the damage that aflatoxin can do and regularly screen for
its presence. Thus, aflatoxin is really not the severe problem that it could
be if left unscreened.
If liver damage is not severe,
animals usually recover in 4-10 days after the offending feed has been removed.
On a practical basis, 20 ppb can probably be well tolerated by mature milking
cows, but only about 10 ppb in growing cattle and 4 ppb for calves. For chronic
feeding, these levels should be reduced by one half.
2. Deoxynivalenol (DON) is
produced by molds of the Fusarium species. Much of the data in dairy cattle
concerning the effects of DON are conflicting. High doses of pure DON have caused
no noticeable problems; however, lower doses of DON in association with other
mycotoxins have resulted in lower milk production with increased morbidity. In
addition nervous symptoms, diarrhea and intestinal hemorrhage have been reported.
For this reason DON is often referred to as a "marker" mycotoxin, i.e., presence
of DON is usually associated with other mycotoxins that may not be easily identified.
Levels of DON below 500 ppb are probably safe for consumption by dairy cattle.
3. Zearalenone is a mycotoxin
with estrogenic activity which is also produced by molds of the Fusarium
species. Lowered milk production, abortion, short heat cycles, nymphomania and
feminization of bulls have been reported when feeding zearalenone infected silages.
Zearalenol is a compound similar to zearalenone but is reported to provoke 5-10
times the estrogen response. Levels of zearalenone below 250 ppb are probably
safe to feed adult dairy cattle if no other molds are contaminating the feed.
4. T-2 toxin (one of the
trichothecenes) is also produced by several molds of the Fusarium species.
T-2 is found not only in corn silage but also in some haylages. Symptoms in cattle
include lowered milk production, diarrhea, hemorrhagic bowel, sterility, and
lesions in the intestine, ovaries and uterus. Immune function is severely depressed.
Consumption of large quantities can cause acute death. Consumption of greater
than 100 ppb are probably dangerous for cattle. Diacetoxyscirpenol (DAS) is a
closely related compound that produces many of the same effects. Fifty ppb is
the safe suggested limit for this toxin.
5. Fumonisin has been reported
relatively recently, and the effects are still relatively unknown. It has been
implicated in liver and kidney damage, decreased immune function and high mortality
rates in cattle. It is tumorgenic in swine and horses, but this has not been
demonstrated in cattle. Fumonisin is thought to potentiate the toxicity of other
trichothecene toxins. Safe levels have been estimated to be below 50,000 ppb.
Five thousand ppb is the maximum safe level for horses.
6. Ergot is a mold that infects
the flowering portion of many grains and grasses. Abortion storms and lowered
fertility are associated with consumption of ergot infected feeds. Although dramatic
in its effects, ergot is probably not an industry wide problem. Cattle fed less
than 0.5% (5,000 ppm) of dry matter as ergot showed no adverse reproductive effects,
but cattle fed at 1% (10, 000 ppm) had increased abortion rates with calves that
were born alive being weak and debilitated
7. Ochratoxin is a mycotoxin
produced almost always on grains and almost always as a result of poor storage
conditions by molds of the Penicillium family and by Aspergillus ochraceus.
Controlled studies in dairy animals are lacking, although cattle fed Ochratoxin
contaminated feed had enlarged livers and kidneys at slaughter. Safe levels are
assumed to be less than 10,000 ppb.
While many other mycotoxins
that infect feed are known, they are usually a problem in areas of the world
other than the Americas.
Mycotoxins, especially those
produced by Fusarium species, may result in great losses in productivity.
Although aflatoxin is widely recognized as a potent mycotoxin, it is probably
not the problem that either feed dealers or veterinarians believe it to be.
All obviously moldy or damaged
feed should be avoided. Silages are one of the largest sources of mycotoxin contamination.
Silages need to be well managed from the time of ensiling through the feed out
process. Silages should be treated with a mold inhibitor in situations where
at least 15 cm of silage cannot be removed from the face. A mycotoxin binder
should be added to the feed mix whenever moldy feed is being utilized or whenever
mycotoxins are suspected. Mixing should occur for sufficient time to insure complete
distribution of both the suspect contaminated feed and the mycotoxin binder.
Lastly, be ever vigilant.
Mycotoxins, even in low doses but fed continually for long periods of time, reduce
productivity and reproduction while increasing morbidity. Constant monitoring
and good on-farm feed management, including good mixing and inclusion of mold
inhibitors and binders, will reduce the economic impact of molds and mycotoxins.
Personal Observations
and Practice Regarding Mycotoxin Binders
We have been involved as
a dairy consultant to both farmers and feed dealers on the continents of North
and South America, Europe and Asia. In each of these areas we have found evidence
of what we believed to be mycotoxicosis. Mycotoxins seem to be a more consistent
problem in areas where high levels of by-product feeds are used in concentrates
and/or where silages have been mismanaged. The diagnosis of mycotoxicosis has
been complicated by the fact that in many areas, even in the United States, identification
of mycotoxins is not always possible. This is for various reasons, including
inability of laboratories to provide adequate testing. In a few instances even
when there was confirmed mycotoxin, particularly in cases of zearalenone or T-2
toxin, and a "mycotoxin binder" was added, the recovery of the herd has proven
to be intractable. Personally, we feel that this is due to the inability of the
selected (available in the market) binder to adequately combine with the mycotoxin
and sequester it from digestion.
We can divide the types of
binders available in the market into four basic types based on the manufacturers'
description: bentonites, aluminosilicates, zeolites and cocktail products. Cocktail
products generally include several types of clays as well as vitamins and other
minerals. Chemically, these binders are all clays and have more or less the same
chemical composition. However, morphology, purity and ability to form chemical
bonds with mycotoxins differ widely among both the types of these clays and their
manufacturing process.
Our opinion about which type
of clays perform better is based solely on field experience, but they are supported
by in vitro binding experiments. We have found the clays that identify themselves
as phyllosilicates, a subclass of aluminosilicates, are definitely superior to
the others especially when treating mycotoxins of the fusarium species.
In our opinion the absolute best of these products is a phyllosilicate of Mexican
origin which is known by the trade name of Mexsil (r)
. We have used this product at dosages of 150-250 g per head per day in several
difficult situations involving fusariums with outstanding results.
In any case, a binder selected
for use should have research data that indicates, both in vitro and in vivo,
that it binds mycotoxins and keeps the mycotoxin sequestered throughout the digestive
process. Additionally, there should be data indicating if there is binding of
minerals and/or vitamins. With this information in hand, one can determine the
level of extra supplementation that might be necessary.
In many cases, when reproductive
parameters are subpar or when there is a high level of digestive upsets than
we consider normal, we recommend mycotoxin binders of the aluminosilicate type
as a prophylactic. While the economic benefits of this action are hard to measure,
reproductive records definitely show improvement. Generally, records also show
improved animal health.
More Reading and Reference
1. Applebaum, R.S., R.E Brackett,
D.W. Wiseman and E.H. Marth. Aflatoxin: Toxicity to dairy cattle and occurrence
in milk and milk products-a review. J. of Food Protection. 45:752, 1982.
2. Christensen, C.M., C.J.
Mirocha and R.A. Meronuck. Molds and mycotoxins in feeds. Extension Service,
University of Minnesota. 1988.
3. Diekman, M.A. and M.L.
Green. Mycotoxins and Reproduction in Domestic Livestock. J. Anim. Sci. 70:1615,
4. Jacobsen, B.J., K.I. Bown,
R.A. Shelby, U.L. Diener, B.W. Kemppainen and J. Floyd. Mycotoxins and mycotoxicoses.
Alabama Cooperative Extension Service, 1992.
5. Jones, F.T., M.B. Genter,
W.M. Hagler, J.A. Hansen, B.A. Mowrey, M.H. Moore and L.W. Whitlow. Understanding
and coping with effects of mycotoxins in livestock feed and forage. North Carolina
Cooperative Extension Service. 1994.
6. Patton, R.A. and H.F.
Bucholtz. Molds and mycotoxins in dairy cattle feed. Extension Service, Michigan
State University. 1986.
7. Pier, A.C., J.L. Richard
and S.J. Cysewski. Implications of mycotoxins in animal disease. JAVMA 176:719,
8. Smith, T.K., Recent advances
in the understanding of Fusarium trichothecene mycotoxicoses. J. Anim. Sci. 70:3989,
9. Whitlow, L.W. and W.M.
Hagler, Jr. Mycotoxin contamination in Large Dairy Herd Management pp585, H.H.
Van Horn and C.J. Wilcox editors. American Dairy Science Association, Champaign,
IL., 1992.
Biography of Dr. Robert
A. Patton
B.S. in Dairy Production,
Penn State University, 1968
M.S. in Ruminant Nutrition,
Penn State, 1971
Ph.D. in Ruminant Nutrition,
Michigan State University, 1989
Dairy Farmer, 1969-1985 (60-cow
herd in central Pennsylvania)
Dairy Management Consultant
for Fertrell Co. & the Madison County NY FHA,
Dairy Herd Management Instructor,
Williamsport Area Community College, PA,
Extension Program Leader
& Tri-County Dairy Specialist, Madison Co., NY,
State Dairy Nutrition Extension
Specialist in Michigan, 1986-89
Technical Specialist, Monsanto
Ag Company, Animal Science Division, 1989-92
Product Manager, Degussa
Corporation, Feed Division, 1995
Private Dairy Nutrition and
Management Consultant since July, 1992
Author of the Mepron Amino
Acid Ration Evaluator and co-author of Spartan
Ration Evaluator I software
programs; author of numerous Extension bulletins,
presentation papers, a book
chapter in Bovine Somatrotropin & Emerging
Issues, an Assessment, titled
"Management of BST-Supplemented Cows," and
articles in the Journal of
Dairy Science
Work experiences include
technical support and marketing for Degussa
Corporation with added methionine
and Monsanto with bST. Has consulted for
companies and dairy farmers
extensively in Mexico as well as in South Korea,
Costa Rica, and throughout
the U.S.
Robert A. Patton, PhD.
Nittany Dairy Nutrition
Mifflinburg, PA. USA
We have been involved as
a dairy consultant to both farmers and feed dealers on the continents of North
and South America, Europe and Asia. In each of these areas we have found evidence
of what we believed to be mycotoxicosis. Mycotoxins seem to be a more consistent
problem in areas where high levels of by-product feeds are used in concentrates
and/or where silages have been mismanaged. The diagnosis of mycotoxicosis has
been complicated by the fact that in many areas, even in the United States, identification
of mycotoxins is not always possible. This is for various reasons, including
inability of laboratories to provide adequate testing. In a few instances even
when there was confirmed mycotoxin, particularly in cases of zearalenone or T-2
toxin, and a "mycotoxin binder" was added, the recovery of the herd has proven
to be intractable. Personally, we feel that this is due to the inability of the
selected (available in the market) binder to adequately combine with the mycotoxin
and sequester it from digestion.
We can divide the types of
binders available in the market into four basic types based on the manufacturers'
description: bentonites, aluminosilicates, zeolites and cocktail products. Cocktail
products generally include several types of clays as well as vitamins and other
minerals. Chemically, these binders are all clays and have more or less the same
chemical composition. However, morphology, purity and ability to form chemical
bonds with mycotoxins differ widely among both the types of these clays and their
manufacturing process.
Our opinion about which type
of clays perform better is based solely on field experience, but they are supported
by in vitro binding experiments. We have found the clays that identify themselves
as phyllosilicates, a subclass of aluminosilicates, are definitely superior to
the others especially when treating mycotoxins of the fusarium species.
In our opinion the absolute best of these products is a phyllosilicate of Mexican
origin which is known by the trade name of Mexsil (r)
. We have used this product at dosages of 150-250 g per head per day in several
difficult situations involving fusariums with outstanding results.
In any case, a binder selected
for use should have research data that indicates, both in vitro and in vivo,
that it binds mycotoxins and keeps the mycotoxin sequestered throughout the digestive
process. Additionally, there should be data indicating if there is binding of
minerals and/or vitamins. With this information in hand, one can determine the
level of extra supplementation that might be necessary.
In many cases, when reproductive
parameters are subpar or when there is a high level of digestive upsets than
we consider normal, we recommend mycotoxin binders of the aluminosilicate type
as a prophylactic. While the economic benefits of this action are hard to measure,
reproductive records definitely show improvement. Generally, records also show
improved animal health.
More Reading and Reference
1. Applebaum, R.S., R.E Brackett,
D.W. Wiseman and E.H. Marth. Aflatoxin: Toxicity to dairy cattle and occurrence
in milk and milk products-a review. J. of Food Protection. 45:752, 1982.
2. Christensen, C.M., C.J.
Mirocha and R.A. Meronuck. Molds and mycotoxins in feeds. Extension Service,
University of Minnesota. 1988.
3. Diekman, M.A. and M.L.
Green. Mycotoxins and Reproduction in Domestic Livestock. J. Anim. Sci. 70:1615,
4. Jacobsen, B.J., K.I. Bown,
R.A. Shelby, U.L. Diener, B.W. Kemppainen and J. Floyd. Mycotoxins and mycotoxicoses.
Alabama Cooperative Extension Service, 1992.
5. Jones, F.T., M.B. Genter,
W.M. Hagler, J.A. Hansen, B.A. Mowrey, M.H. Moore and L.W. Whitlow. Understanding
and coping with effects of mycotoxins in livestock feed and forage. North Carolina
Cooperative Extension Service. 1994.
6. Patton, R.A. and H.F.
Bucholtz. Molds and mycotoxins in dairy cattle feed. Extension Service, Michigan
State University. 1986.
7. Pier, A.C., J.L. Richard
and S.J. Cysewski. Implications of mycotoxins in animal disease. JAVMA 176:719,
8. Smith, T.K., Recent advances
in the understanding of Fusarium trichothecene mycotoxicoses. J. Anim. Sci. 70:3989,
9. Whitlow, L.W. and W.M.
Hagler, Jr. Mycotoxin contamination in Large Dairy Herd Management pp585, H.H.
Van Horn and C.J. Wilcox editors. American Dairy Science Association, Champaign,
IL., 1992.
Biography of Dr. Robert
A. Patton
B.S. in Dairy Production,
Penn State University, 1968
M.S. in Ruminant Nutrition,
Penn State, 1971
Ph.D. in Ruminant Nutrition,
Michigan State University, 1989
Dairy Farmer, 1969-1985 (60-cow
herd in central Pennsylvania)
Dairy Management Consultant
for Fertrell Co. & the Madison County NY FHA,
Dairy Herd Management Instructor,
Williamsport Area Community College, PA,
Extension Program Leader
& Tri-County Dairy Specialist, Madison Co., NY,
State Dairy Nutrition Extension
Specialist in Michigan, 1986-89
Technical Specialist, Monsanto
Ag Company, Animal Science Division, 1989-92
Product Manager, Degussa
Corporation, Feed Division, 1995
Private Dairy Nutrition and
Management Consultant since July, 1992
Author of the Mepron Amino
Acid Ration Evaluator and co-author of Spartan
Ration Evaluator I software
programs; author of numerous Extension bulletins,
presentation papers, a book
chapter in Bovine Somatrotropin & Emerging
Issues, an Assessment, titled
"Management of BST-Supplemented Cows," and
articles in the Journal of
Dairy Science
Work experiences include
technical support and marketing for Degussa
Corporation with added methionine
and Monsanto with bST. Has consulted for
companies and dairy farmers
extensively in Mexico as well as in South Korea,
Costa Rica, and throughout
the U.S.
Robert A. Patton, PhD.
Nittany Dairy Nutrition
Mifflinburg, PA. USA
Phone (570) 966-4770
Fax (570) 966-4737