
Faire Dialect




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When creating your character one of the most exciting things is to learn the dialect of the period your dealing with.  Its especially great when you can use this dialect at your local faire.  It not only thrills other visitors but it brings your character to life.

The first thing you need to know to develop the language is that it's basically modern english with a few embellishments here and there.  The Renaissance people love their language.  First and foremost have fun with the language.  If you try to hard and it's not enjoyable, you'll find you don't want to do it.

We are going to try and break down the language for you so that you can easilly pick up the type of speech, depending on your type of character.  Realize that people of nobility did not use the same phrase as country folk.  Both have very distinctive patterns of speech.

Now, while nobles and peasants did have two very distinctive speech patterns there were also some similarities.  The following list of colloquialisms can be used if you are attempting either a peasant or noble character:

1. "R" and "H" are always pronounced, never dropped.
card not cahd and Head not ead
2. Final "G" is dropped on "ing" words.
Goin not Going
3. "V" in the middle of a word is dropped.
O'er not Over
4. Inflected endings make two distinct syllables.
hug-ged not hugged or Kis-sed not Kissed
5. Use Contractions.
"Tis"  "Twould"  "Twill"
6. Make negative statements by simply adding "not" after the verb.
"I like not thy Foolish manner, Sirrah"
7. Peculiar reflexive structures.
"I goes me to yonder privy"  "I steps me to the Ale House"

As you can see even with this slight variation in the way you speak can do a lot for broadening your character.  In the following pages we will be exploring some of the phrases that can be used.  As well as a page on creating your own insults.  We will also give you a page of different words used in the renaissance time and their definitions.

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