Quality Education for All, implies the
best use of educational resources. The
main aim is to develop a culture of
learning that develops every student
potential without depriving the principle
of solidarity and co-operation.
resources are intended to improve
learning and motivate the pupils. The
whiteboard, books and copybooks are
minimum resources. Videos. Slides,
Models, Computer and Internet will surely
enhance learning.
I conducted much of the research in a
Boys Junior Lyceum. All teachers are
qualified, half of them University
qualifed. I also interviewed the
librarian,who gave me further explanation
about the resources found in the library
The term audio-visuals, used to refer
mainly for charts and the use of the
tape-recorder. As technology developed,
audiovisual instruction began to include
films, photographs etc. Nowadays the term
"educational resources" is
preferred, and it includes different
resources used for teaching and learning.
In the school where I conducted my
research, Language teachers use the
tape-recorder during listening skills,
and comprehension quite often.
Environmental and Science teachers use
models, and often the boys themselves do
the models and experimental work.
Religion teachers, use the tape-recorder
to produce bible clips and background
music. Many teachers also have their own
homemade resources, including recordings
on tape or cassette, videos, and slides.
The term "audio-visual
materials" includes "all those
information media that convey their
messages without the mediation of the
written word". Quite often, they do
not need any explanation, because they
are a language on their own.
The Setup of a
Resource Centre
In my interview with librarian of the
mentioned school, I asked him about the
resources in that school.
"In this
school, although we have got a
library, it is still in the
progress of being developed. This
library has been established for
about ten years and the only
resources found here are books.
These books, even if we have more
than 3, 000 books, part of which
are for reference. But because of
lack of finances, we have got
lots to do before we can do an
update of our books. This is so
because the majority of books,
are brought here, either from
another library or from
donations. Books that are given
to us from individuals, who for
one reason or another, they
donated the books they had at
home to us."
I think that " ten years" is
quite a long time to develop a resource
centre. The Resource Centre must be the
heart of the school, and
every effort should be done to develop
Only the Headmaster could use the
photocopier for teachers. I suggest that
students must use freely the photocopier.
They could leave the copies with the
care-taker, paying a small amount of
money, 2c per copy.
Criteria for
selection of Resources
The content in books and non-book
materials must be up-to date. During the
interview the librarian showed me the
encyclopaedia, which is of the
1950s, and a computer book was
published in 1973.
The subject matter should be relevant
to the needs and interests of the user.
Unluckily in many Boys schools,
most of the books are about aeroplanes,
cowboys, which may not be of interest to
some pupils. Old books,
especially those, which might provide
misleading information, are usually kept
on closed access. In general, however,
open access is the rule. .
In the Junior Lyceum where I conducted
my research, books that are accessible to
students are not up to date, and usually
good reference books and some
audiovisuals are not accessible to
ex-minister of finance, Mr
Francis Zammit Dimech gave us
twelve videos which were on the
environment. In fact these video
tapes are now being lent on a
permanent basis, to the
department of Geography, who is
being taken care of by Miss
Debattista who makes good use of
them in the Geography subject.
What the ideal
Resource Centre should consist of
I compared what an ideal resource
centre should consist of with what I
found in my research:
Teaching Material -Apart from
reading books, there are a few reference
books and an encyclopedia. There are no
wall charts available from the resource
centre, and few posters on the walls.
Science apparatus is quite adequate.
Video Cassettes, Flashcards, and other
teaching aids are brought by the children
Presentation and Reprographic
Apparatus - There was no video room,
no slide projector and no Overhead
Projector. There was neither an
electronic scanner nor good printers
Indexing and Cataloguing Material
- Teachers took great interest in
brochures, and discussed them together.
But they were not stored in a particular
Resource Centre. Anything that concerns
the school, was stored in computers by
In the library there was a simple
catalogue system, and the pupils could
find books from the index system.
Ways of improvement
Until the middle of this century, many
educational resources were considered as
games rather than learning facilities.
Nowadays we believe that learning has to
be in the form of a game. A multi-method
approach, involving different resources,
will enhance learning, and improve the
teaching style
The Schools
situation regarding the use of learning
I asked the librarian the number of
books borrowed each year. My aim was to
obtain the ratio of books to user and the
ratio of issues to user. Instead, he gave
me an empty sheet to show me how they
write the books borrowed by each student.
He also gave me a sheet which is used to
certify that all books of that particular
student are returned.
I also have my ideas about what should
be done to introduce a resource centre in
the school, and obtain more audio-visual
materials as opposed to books. While
questioning about these short-comings by
the library concerned, the Headmaster
also explained to me about the financial
problems which the school has to face.
Insufficient Space
and Resources.
The room where the library is situated
now is quite small and hidden. The place
where it is situated is at the very back
of the school.
The librarian told me "that there
are no more than 20% of all the students
who make use of this library on a regular
basis. The majority makes use of the
library when they have a project to do,
so these students come to get information
on this particular topic. But the
majority do not make use of the library.
Unluckily, I could not collect written
data of the students who frequent the
library but the librarian told me in my
interview that the younger classes
frequent this library most often, and as
they get older they use it only when they
have a project. I also asked him about
the resources available in the school,
and the librarian showed his
dissatisfaction for reference books which
content is not up-to-date. There was also
a video-room, but they converted it to a
Technical Drawing room, for the reason
that there are not enough rooms.
Classrooms are quite uncomfortable for
the use of learning resources. Noises
from outside the classroom distract the
pupils when listening to the
tape-recorder. In some classrooms, plugs
do not function properly, and in other
classrooms the plug is at the back. I
always made use of batteries to play the
tape recorder inside classrooms.
I also asked for the Librarians
opinion about the library and what does
he wishes to do to improve the
schools educational resources.
I would have
wanted a computer installed here.
I would use this computer,
firstly, for a quick reference
for the things that the students
might need. The second thing,
perhaps, the students in future
when they have the know-how of
computers they can themselves
find research on the computer.
Most of all if the computer is
connected to the Internet, and so
they can, let us say, that with
less money but more efficiency,
they would be able to do the
research that they would need.
When a real
library is built, I hope, the
first thing there should be is
enough lighting and it should be
adequate. The tables instead of
being big, they should be
individual tables. There should
be a heating system and there
should be fans so that the
students would be comfortable
both when it is hot and also when
it is cold.
The Resource Centre
and the School
I think that a resource centre must be
easily accessible to all students. If the
school budget does not permit to build a
new building, I suggest that the Form 4
classroom would be the ideal place. The
room is quite big to be used as a
classroom and classrooms can be easily
organised in a different way, so that
this room would be emptied. I also did a
plan of how I would organise a Resource
Centre if the School budget does not
permit to buy a new one. This plan does
not provide the ideal school resource
centre, but it is the most realistic for
the schools circumstances.
Classrooms may contain a library
table, which may include some magazines
of interest to the pupils.
Maintaining the
Resource Centre
Information Technology also helps to
motivate children towards learning. The
computer must be considered as a means of
education in addition to the
teachers lessons. The children
needed a lot of explanation how to handle
new software. The software must be used
as a teaching aid and not as an
alternative to the teachers
explanation. The more electronic
resources libraries acquire and make
available to users, the greater the
demand for instruction in how to access
and use those resources effectively and
Provide learning
Presentation: In the Resource
Centre, teachers and students must find
the educational resources necessary for
learning. An OHP must be accessible from
the resource Centre and it can be used by
teachers and students in projects and
presentations in almost all subjects.
Slide projectors are not very expensive
and slides can be done easily by teachers
themselves. The Resource Centre should
include open ended slides, which could be
could for discussions and closed ended,
which have their message clear.
Teaching Material: During my
Teaching Experience, I tried to introduce
new posters and charts. Posters must be
bigh enough to be seen from the back of
the classroom. They must be clear and
understood by children. Very often we
must prefer colour posters, but sometimes
black and white posters are more
effective. Other materials which could be
included are reproductions of documents,
old newspapers etc, maps, models, wall
charts, and transparencies.
There are various educational software
and other administrative software, which
could be kept in the library resource
Outside communication: use of
Internet provides any information
requested and can provide communication
with various resource services even
outside Malta.
Promote reading / library
awareness: One of my efforts to
increase Reading Awareness is with the
School-based Childrens Magazine
Competitions such as art, and essay
writing will stimulate reading and
writing. The reading books must not
include only one category such as war
books, mystrey etc, but the greater
variety the greater will be the number of
users. Audio-visuals will surely help to
enhance reading listening skills etc.
The Resource Centre will surely
improve learning. It provides a holistic
vision of education, by the diversity and
different means of information. It will
provide opportunities for the pupils to
learn by discovery, because the Resource
Setting is also a learning setting. On
the other hand, both teachers and pupils
can find learning resources and use them
in the classroom.

© Resourcentre 1999.
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