Listen to Sheila's theme song!

Cead Mile Failte!For those of you not native to the fair "Emerald Isle" itself,you can
loosely translate that as "Bite Me!" That's how I like to welcome people,anyway.Me name's Sheila Na Gig and I'm sometimes loud,sometimes rude,sometimes outrageous,it depends on me
mood.I have gathered together here an eclectic little collection of "stuff" for your perusal,entertainment,enlightenment,entitlement,opinion,funny-bone,you to bemoan,soul to be saved,spirit's uplifting,ennui's shifting.You get me drifting?Pick one,pick some,pick them
all if you have the gall.Anyway,to be getting on.Here be,on these pages, me various rantings and ravings,follies and jollies,hey ho the hollies and anything else you might care to put
in between.And now,without further ado I hereby offer up to you...SHEILA'S PAGES