General Information
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Things You Need To Know



Will be assigned daily.

Is due the next class unless otherwise specified.

Late homework will lose 5 percentage points each day it is late. Even if you do
not have science the next day, it still counts as a late day if you
do not turn it into me.

It is your responsibility to bring your homework to me. I will not come
looking for you to get late homework!

Click Here to get to the GFS homework site.


Quizzes and Exams:

There will be one or two announced quizzes along with a spelling quiz for each unit.

Depending on the scope of the the unit project, there will most likely be a written exam at the end of the unit. You will be given at least two weeks
notice regarding any upcoming exams.


There will be a project assigned for almost every unit.

The projects will vary. It may be a research paper, an experimental
paper, a hands-on project, or something else.

You will be given a sheet with the requirements, due date, and grading
rubric for each project. 

Projects turned in late will lose 5 percentage points for each day overdue. Even
if you do not have science the next day, it still counts as a late
day if not turned into me.

It is your responsibility to turn in late projects to me. I will NOT come
looking for you to get it!


What everything is worth:

Generally speaking, homework is worth 20% of the quarter grade, quizzes are worth 15% of the quarter grade, in-class lab work and papers are worth 10% of the quarter grade, class participation is worth 5% of the quarter grade, tests are and projects are worth 25% each. That can change for a quarter if circumstances warrant.



We are going to expand on a project I did last year: we are going to create
portfolios of your work throughout the year and save it on a CD-ROM for
you to take home. The work we put on the CD-ROM can include pictures,
projects, tests, quizzes, etc. But how are we going to DO that you ask?
You'll find out on the first day of class. I'm really excited about this
project, and I think you will be too.