Agent name: M.G. Meyers

Known alias: Hey You!!!, Hey Buddy!!!

What he likes to be called: SECRET AGENT MAN!

Age: 22

Known residence: Columbus, Ohio

Current Mission: Senior at Ohio State University, majoring in English.

Life Ambition: To achieve oneness with the universe OR find a good job. (Which ever comes first!!!)

Latest Projects: WebMaster for M.G.'s Best of the Web and The Student Internet Society @ OSU (Site up but society is still being formed.)

Last seen: Date: 12/14/98 | Time: 11:00 PM

Found bloodied and beaten in a grocery cart after a confrontation with a 70-year-old woman over a parking spot at K-MART.

(Never make fun of the elderly!!!!)

Latest photograph:

(Photo taken during Finals week)

M.G. Meyers can be contacted at the anonymous address below:

!!!!!!!!!This WebPage will self-destruct in 10 seconds!!!!!!!!!

(If it doesn't just click the back button and say boom!)

Have a nice day!!!