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Hi my name is Mike Meyers and I'm not afraid to admit that this is quite possibly the coolest website ever made for non-commercial purposes.

What is this site about?

This site isn't about promoting myself or a cause; it's simply about this website's years as a website: that's right this is a recursive tribute website that pays homage to itself.

The History

I have had a website on Geocities servers since before Yahoo purchased them; since I moved it from my Ohio State University work account way back in late 1997. It used to be located at http://students.uts.ohio-state.edu/meyers/. The year before that it was located at http://pcstraining.ohio-state.edu/meyers/. I am proud to say that in all the time that this site has been up it has received more than 8000 hits. What I'm not so proud to admit is that at least 7900 of the hits to the site were from my addictive visitation to the site to see how many people had visited it.

The Journey

When I first decided to make a website I thought I wanted a page that looked cool; so I studied the art of web design for months and created a state of the art site like no other. Afterward I looked at my creation and thought it looked nice; but who cares what something looks like if it has no real content? So I decided to make a page that was content rich by creating many content rich categories -- it was amazingly informative. I looked at the page and said to myself, "Wait a second, If people want content like this then they will just go to Altavista (Note: this was a time long before Google or Yahoo got big) So I tried to focus on things that were important to me by writing about Open Source, Guitar, and other passions. Finally I realized that my website was just one big cliche. Yes, I was misguided.


One day I asked myself, "What's wrong with my site? How come, no matter how much time I put into it, the site just sucks?" Finally it dawned on me: the site sucked because it was nothing new or unique. On that day I realized that there was something that was more important than the site's content and look: the site itself. So I set up this webpage as an homage to my webpage.


So what are you waiting for?
Please click HERE to pay homage to this site.
thank you.

Go Back in time and look at how my website changed over the years....

  • The most recent version of my site is here.
  • Before that I used to refer to my site as "M.G.'s Best of the Web" here.
  • I used to have a Ohio State University links site here.
  • I once even had a Secret Agent page linked from my site which the "Thought Police" wanted me to remove -- found here.
  • Back in the day I used to use a URL redirect service through visitweb.com.
    My redirect URL was visitweb.com/bestweb. The service went down years ago. The reason I used the redirect sevice was because in the old days I had a really long URL and it was hard to direct people to visit my site at an address like http://students.uts.ohio-state.edu/meyers/index.html. At the time even Geocities had really long URLs so a redirect service was the only logical solution -- I chose visitweb because it was free and had no ad banners. Visitweb lasted until Geocities simplified it's member URLs. My Geocities URL was http://geocities.com/athens/ithica/4738 for a good 2 years or so.
  • Back in the Early days of my site I used 3 frames for navigating my site check out the frameset here.
  • I also had a video game related site called "The Video Game Connection" here.
  • Here is another one of my pages that had a multi-search built into it -- here.
  • When I first came up with the "blue" theme my main greating on the site, which was created with photoshop, was this -- here.
  • I made many animated gifs for the site: one of them is here.

  • The Secret life of this website:

  • This website served me by providing server space for me to place mp3s of songs that I wrote for an album in 2000 called "Songs from My Self Deprivation Chamber." I would place the songs on the geocities server and email others a link so they could experience such fan favorites as "Cry For Me."
  • I also used this site in 2002 to post some incriminating photos of some "E-mail friends" -- see those here.

  • Visit some of my favorite websites:

  • Mandrake Linux Distro
  • GNU Free software
  • Stock Photography
  • Larrivee Guitar
  • Eric Conveys an Emotion
  • Mikeycal.com
  • Auto Warranty
  • High Mileage Auto Warranty

    This Counter has been changed a few times but the page count is about right -- if anything it is a little lower than it should be.

    hits after 1/24/98