Gail Shuster-Bouskila
Educational Consultant
Computer Assisted Language Learning
POB 230, Hod Hasharon 45101, ISRAELContact me at this email address: gailshb@yahoo.com
My special course E Level Interwise
After a long absence, on January 1, 2004, I returned to the Open University. This time I was hired by the Academic English Department. My new job is Coordinator of the E Level Reading Comprehension courses. Open University - Academic English Department It is very gratifying to be back, especially since the move to the new Raanana campus! (Now that the kids are grown, I can get back to work!) I also teach various levels of English courses in the department.In October 2008, I began to work as Coordinator of courses of English as Communication at IDC Herzliya - Efi Arazi School of Computer Science. I am looking forward to be involved in working with material that has been of interest to me throughout my career.
On September 1st, 2003. I joined the staff of Meitarim High School in Raanana. It has been an unparalleled experience to work in such a positive framework but after many years in various schools around the area, I decided to leave the secondary school classroom as of June 2006.In September of 2001, I started teaching English at Chazav Junior High School. For two years I was the "mild mannered" head of the English Dept. This will be my last year in this school.
By the way, I worked at Kiriyat Hinuch Dror for 4 years. I resigned from the staff of in August of 2001. (That is when I had a chance to work with Edusoft for a year.)COMPUTERS AND EDUCATION
In addition to teaching English, I have been giving computer and EFL courses in quite a few places. I am especially proud to have been part of the team in a splendid project in Petach Tivka. Another project has been running since January 2003 in Ramla as well. Thank goodness I don't have any real hobbies because I was also involved in a similar project in ORT Netanya! These are all very exciting activities in the Central District of the Ministry of Education, unfortunately the funding has been decreasing steadily for such CALL projects.I also have had the pleasure of working in teacher education at a variety of places including Herzlia Pedagogic Center, courses at Beit Berl College and Levinsky Teachers College. In the summer of 2003 I taught an Intensive CALL course at Gordon Teachers College in Haifa.
Actually I have been working as a private educational consultant for quite a few years(as listed above). So that is why I have had the opportunity to create material for the AMALNET site!
(Yes, I did work as a Coordinator of EFL Conversation Courses at DIALOG Open University -- School of Languages for a long time, but left to freelance and see the sunshine on my children's faces!)
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For my philosophy of life (an oldie, but goodie):
Some views on the subject of cats!
Free the 3 soldiers held captive by both Hamas and Hizbollah
My dreams:
I would like to be involved in an institution in Israel like the
Lab School for the Learning Disabled's Adult Learning Center--Washington DC.DREAM COME TRUE! On 15 Kislev 5765 (November 27, 2004) we attended the dedication of the
Tamar Dvoskin Youth Center at Hod V'Hadar Congregation in Kfar Saba
My favorite sites on the Internet:
For great EFL information is:
ETNI- English Teachers Network in IsraelFor getting to know poetry is:
The Academy of American PoetsFor "techie" info is:
ZDNET--ANCHORDESKFor technology and Rube Goldberg: Is this any way to make a car?!
For the best free animated, public domain animations for your webpages is:
GIFANIMATIONSFor the truth about life:
THE DAILY SHOW with Jon Stewart!
For kids to play and learn too is:
FunbrainFor the most thing in life:
Gotta see it to believe it!For the best radio show in the world is:
THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL--Everyone from Chicago smile now!![]()
For pure is:
Click here to read poetry by my sister!
Now see how I keep in touch with the best music:
Listen to BBC RADIO3 online!
Listen to live broadcasts of Opera on BBC3!
Quiz results for Gail show that: "You're Not Exactly a Hippie..." While you're not a hippie, you've got the spirit of one.
Like most hippies, you have deep beliefs and unusual interests.
You may not buy into hippie fashions, music, or heavy drug use.
But at heart, you are a free spirit and suspicious of the status quo.And what about you? Take the quiz:Are You a Hippie?
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