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Invoke Quarters (She)I invoke thee, Mighty Ones of the East; bring us Your gifts of wisdom; watch over us in this Circle. Come to us in the name of Athena Wise Weaver! Hail and Welcome!
I invoke thee, Mighty Ones of the South; bring us Your gifts of will; watch over us in this Circle. Come to us in the name of Brigid Smith Mistress! Hail and Welcome!
I invoke thee, Mighty Ones of the West; bring us Your gifts of understanding; watch over us in this Circle. Come to us in the name of Poseidon Ship Master! Hail and Welcome!
I invoke thee, Mighty Ones of the North; bring us Your gifts of dedication; watch over us in this Circle. Come to us in the name of Ptah Crafts Master! Hail and Welcome! We are now between the worlds.
INVOCATION OF THE HORNED GODBy the flame that burneth bright, O Horned One! We call thy name into the night, O Ancient One! Thee we invoke, by moon-led sea, By the standing stone and the twisted tree. The we invoke, where gather thine own, By the nameless shrine forgotten and alone. Come where the round of the dance is trod, Horn and hoof of the goatfoot god! By moonlit meadow on dusky hill, When the haunted wood is hushed and still, Come to the charm of the chanted prayer, As the moon bewitches the midnight air. Evoke thy powers, that potent bide In shining stream and the secret tide, In fiery flame by starlight pale, In shadowy host that rides the gale, And by the fern-brakes fairy haunted Of forests wild and woods enchanted. Come! O come! To the heart-beat's drum! Come to us who gather below When the broad white moon is climbing slow Through the stars to the heaven;s height. We hear thy hoofs on the wind of night! As black tree-branches shake and sigh, By joy and terror we know thee nigh. We speak the spell thy power unlocks At solstice, Sabbat, and equinox, Word of virtue the veil to rend, From primal dawn to the wide world's end, Since time began-- The blessing of Pan! Blessed be all in hearth and hold, Blessed in all worth more than gold. Blessed be in strength and love, Blessed be wher'er we rove. Vision fade not from our eyes Of the pagan paradise Past the gates of death and birth, Our inheritance of the earth. From our soul the song of spring Fade not in our wandering. Our life with all life is one, By blackest night or noonday sun. Eldest of gods, on thee we call, Blessing be on thy creatures all. Doreen Valiente "Witchcraft For Tomorrow" pp. 190-191
Invocation to the Horned God
By the flame that burneth bright, |
INVOCATION OF THE MOON GODDESS Diana, queen of night, In all your beauty bright, Shine on us here, And with your silver beam Unlock the gate of dream; Rise bright and clear. On earth and sky and sea, Your magic mystery Its spell shall cast, Wherever leaf may grow, Wherever tide may flow, Till all be past. O secret queen of power, At this enchanted hour We ask your boon. May fortune's favor fall Upon true witches all, O Lady Moon! Doreen Valiente "Witcraft For Tomorrow" pp. 189-190 | |
INVOCATION TO FRIGGWhen this invocation was first used, each person in a healing circle invoked a healer into (her/him)self. This was my invocation. The rest of the circle was asked to echo "Join us, Frigg" as I was saying "Join us. Frigg,". This was my first attempt at writing an invocation, and it DID work. I hope that it also works for anyone else who wishes to use it, because it now feels like time to share it. Blessed Be, Russ "Frigg, Daughter of Jord, Join us. Frigg, Daughter of Fiorgyn, Join us. Frigg, Wife of Odin, Join us. Frigg, Sister of Thorr, Join us. Frigg, Mother of Balder, Join us. Frigg, Mother of Hodr, Join us. Frigg, Mother of Hermod, Join us. Frigg, Mother of the gods, Join us. Frigg, Wise in all fates, Join us. Frigg, Who will tell no fortunes, Join us. Frigg, First among the Asynjur, Join us. Frigg, Queen of Asgard, Join us. Frigg, Mistress of home and hearth, Join us. Frigg, Mistress of Eire, Join us. Frigg, Mistress of healing, Join us. Frigg, Your servant _______ calls you! Come to me NOW!" INVOCATION TO BALDUR "Baldr, Son of Frigg, Join us. Baldr, Son of Odin, Join us. Baldr, Husband of Nanna, Join us. Baldr, Brother of Hodr, Join us. Baldr, Brother of Hermod, Join us. Baldr, Father of Forsetti, Join us. Baldr, Slain by blind Hodr, Join us. Baldr, Master of Breidablik, Join us. Baldr, Who is much loved, Join us. Baldr, Who Thokk alone would not mourn, Join us. Baldr, The Fairest of the Aesir, Join us. Baldr, Whose Judgments stand unaltered, Join us. Baldr, Whose Judgments stand unheeded, Join us. Baldr, The Wisest of the Aesir, Join us. Baldr, The Shining One, Join us. Baldr, Your servant _______ calls you! Come to me NOW!" 55 INVOCATION TO FREYJA "Freyja, Of the many names, Join us. Freyja, Of the golden tears, Join us. Freyja, Daughter of Njord, Join us. Freyja, Wife of Od, Join us. Freyja, Sister of Freyr, Join us. Freyja, Mother of Hnoss, Join us. Freyja, Claimed by Thrym, Join us. Freyja, Driver of cats, Join us. Freyja, Goddess of Fertility, Join us. Freyja, Who shares the slain with Odin, Join us. Freyja, Who taught the Aesir Magick, Join us. Freyja, Lender of Falcons' Flight, Join us. Freyja, Mistress of Brisingamen, Join us. Freyja, Mistress of Folkvang, Join us. Freyja, Mistress of nature, Join us. Freyja, Your servant _______ calls you! Come to me NOW!" Russ Anderson
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"Freyr, Son of Njrd, Join us. Freyr, Husband of Gerdr, Join us. Freyr, Brother of Freyja, Join us. Freyr, Father of kings, Join us. Freyr, Whose sword would fight for itself, Join us. Freyr, Who gave his sword for Gerdr, Join us. Freyr, Patron of married couples, Join us. Freyr, Most beautiful of Gods, Join us. Freyr, Whose tooth-gift was Alfheimr, Join us. Freyr, Master of Gullinbursti, Join us. Freyr, Owner of Skidbladnir, Join us. Freyr, Slayer of Beli, Join us. Freyr, Master of Frodi's Peace, Join us. Freyr, Who directs Man's good fortune, Join us. Freyr, Who brings fruitful seasons, Join us. Freyr, Your servant _______ calls you! Come to me NOW!" 56 INVOCATION TO BRIGIT "Brigit, Wise One, We, your children, call to you. Lady, Smithy, We, your children, invite you here. Triple Goddess, We, your children, ask your presence. Brigit, Wise One, We, your children, call to you. Lady, Smithy, We, your children, invite you here. Triple Goddess, We, your children, ask your presence. Brigit, Wise One, We, your children, call to you. Lady, Smithy, We, your children, invite you here. Triple Goddess, We, your children, ask your presence, NOW." |
"Thorr, Red-beard, Join us. Thorr, Son of Jord, Join us. Thorr, Brother of Frigg, Join us. Thorr, Father of Mdi, Join us. Thorr, Father of Magni, Join us. Thorr, Father of Thrdr, Join us. Thorr, Husband of Sif, Join us. Thorr, Jtunn bane, Join us. Thorr, Foe of Irmungandr, Join us. Thorr, Who bears Marriage Hallower, Join us. Thorr, Who bears Death Hallower, Join us. Thorr, Who wields Mjllnir, Join us. Thorr, Defender of Asgard, Join us. Thorr, Thunderer, Join us. Thorr, Storm Lord, Join us. Thorr, Your servant _______ calls you! Come to me NOW!"
Invocation to Herne
"Herne, Winter Lord, We, your children, call to you. Horned One, Hunter, We, your children, invite you here. Woodland Spirit, We, your children, ask your presence. Herne, Winter Lord, We, your children, call to you. Horned One, Hunter, We, your children, invite you here. Woodland Spirit, We, your children, ask your presence. Herne, Winter Lord, We, your children, call to you. Horned One, Hunter, We, your children, invite you here. Woodland Spirit, We, your children, ask your presence, NOW."Invocation of the Elements
Air, Fire, Water, Earth,
Elements of astral birth,
I call you now; attend to me!
In the Circle, rightly cast,
Safe from curse or blast,
I call you now, attend to me!
From cave and desert,sea and hill,
By wand, blade,and pentacle,
I call you now, attend to me!
This Is my will, so mote it be! |
Invocation to the Elements #2
Come to me Air, so cool and clear
My words come with ease and also no fear
Give me sharp mental focus, creativity too
So that positive ends spring from all that I do.
Come to me Fire, brilliant and bright
Give me strength and forthrightness all through my
life. Warm me with truth and power to set right
Whatever is wrong through love and its light.
Come to me Water, silky and free
Compassion and empathy now give to me
For soothing life's troubles, both mine and my
friends' Understanding and peace from your rivers you send.
Come to me Earth, plants, animals and gold
Allow me to grow with the grace of a doe.
Serene and content, with standards so high
Give me purpose, stability and and the will to try.
Come to me, Akasha, my spirit transform
By all the elements, Your blessing perform.
Help me to balance all I receive
So that this Witch's life says to all, Blessed Be!
The Calling of the Wind
thrice in the direction of east. Stand after whistling and intone in a strong
power of air! Come forth to this day!
out the old and whisk in the new.
me call the winds, the winds of change!
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