- The
Complete Book of Magical Names Llewellyn Publications (Phoenix McFarland) at
barnesandnoble has great prices on The Complete Book of Magical Names
Llewellyn Publications (Phoenix McFarland) and other Books,
Occultism/Parapsychology products. barnesandnoble - The Best Place to buy
Books Online!
- Magic
Names for Mystic Cats
MAGIC NAMES for MYSTIC CATS A Guide to Unique Names for Your Mysterious
Feline Friend, Collected from the Mythologies of Various World Cultures
text/research by Dominic Marks editing/html page design by April Ingram
The cat-names suggested here have
- Magical
Name Calculator
The Magical Name Calculator is one of many designed to help you chose a
magical name for yourself.
- Naming
of Names
Table of Contents Contents Introduction Blessings Body Art Drawing Down
Pagan Days Magical Names Other Sites Poetry Rants e-mail Bast I have to
admit, from the beginning I've had an attitude about magical names. Mostly
they seemed silly, like people
- Magickal
Magickal Names In many cultures, people were not named until adulthood.
Giving a child a "false name" to protect them from bad spirits
until one was chosen (or self-chosen) for them in adulthood. In other
societies the mother would be the only
- Baby
Please Note: I've received so many books as gifts recently that
unfortunately, I have fallen behind with my reading. So, I'm going to list
the books I have and I will add reviews for them just as soon as I can!
"Call it a clan, call it a network,
- Links
to Magical Sites
Table of Contents Contents Introduction Blessings Body Art Drawing Down
Pagan Days Magical Names Other Sites Poetry Rants e-mail Bast There are so
many great sites out there, that I had a lot of trouble keeping this list
to a manageable level. These
- Book
of Shadows - Magickal Names
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Mythology Texts Spellbook Herbal Grimoire Correspondences Recipes Cookbook
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- Information
On Wicca and Paganism
A Wiccan and Pagan information site. Contains a partial Book of Shadows,
information, a magical names list, information on herbs, a discussion
forum, and a lot more.
- Law
of Names
Back to Home Page or Contents Page or Magic or Index Law of Names The Law
of Names is related to both the Law of Knowledge and the Law of
Association. The law simply states that by knowing the true and complete
name of an phenomena or entity gives