Over time many have practiced Earth-based religions, where our planet is revered as a Deity. They may be Druid, Native American
tribes, Australian Aborigines, or a Coven of modern-day Witches. Most Pagan religions are now legally recognized and are covered by First and Fourteenth Amendment protection.
Witchcraft has been a legally recognized religion in America since 1985. Wicca is one of many earth religions that honors the cycles of nature, respects
the earth (and all things on it). We believe the earth to be a manifestation of the Goddess and God. We honor them, help ourselves and help to heal the world around us through ritualistic practice and the working of magick. We except and believe in reincarnation. We meet for or do solitaire religious ceremonies at the times appointed by the Moon and the Sun.
Practitioners of Wicca look like anybody else. You can't see anything different, we do not wear pointy hats and have warts on our noses We may be wearing jewelry that includes a
pentacle, etc. It will most likely be a hidden pendent but may also be shown
proudly. If you are sensitive, you will 'feel' them; we are in tune with Nature and emit energy or power. If you see someone who looks like a witch they are probably not. They may just enjoy "new age" fashions or are looking for extra attention. Anybody can call himself or herself a Witch that does not mean that they are. Your true Witch will strictly adhere to Wiccan Ethics ('And it harm none, do what you will'). No harm to other people, no harm to the Earth or it's creatures, and no harm to thy Self.
Someone who truly worships the Earth would not flick a cigarette butt out the
window of their car (some won't even drive and pollute with a car). An Earth
worshiping person will take care of the Earth and not litter or damage the Earth
in anyway. No harm to other people includes doing spells such as love spells that would take away someone else's free will or choice. If you are trying to make someone do something they would not do you are hurting them even if you think what you are doing is a good thing.
You will never become a true witch if your motivation is to have power over others.
Tools are to help direct the
power and are not necessary. Many of the tools they use, also aid this ability
by helping the Psychic Mind to work with Natural Talent and Natural Energies for
the purpose of change. To a Witch, change means helping, healing, and living in
harmony. They often won't even heal unless permission is granted, and the
recipient understands what kind of help will be provided.
-- If you are reading this, you are seeking information you are already on the path. Ask other Wiccans, pick up a book at your a bookstore or library and find out more information about wicca and Witchcraft. The resources on the web are endless. If you are sure that practicing Wicca is what you really want to do it will become a way of life that is practiced everyday not just something you do when the mood strikes you. Like with any religion, it is something you feel in your soul, not something you do for public display. We don't care what others think about our choice. Wiccans never try to persuade others to do something against their will or 'spread the word'. That breaks our most sacred code. Like with anything else in life you must judge what is ok for you, if you feel uncomfortable doing anything that someone ask you to do, or that you read about, then don't do it. If you feel something is wrong, or if you are being persuaded then you shouldn't be doing it. Never be persuaded to do something you are uncomfortable doing. If someone is doing this then you should not be involved with them.
Silvermoon's tribute to
Scott Cunningham
Any of his books are a good place to start