I look best in Opera 9!!

P e R S o n A L

(Or, My Personal Home Page)


This page, Surprise! is about me. Well, not so much about me, as about what I think, believe, like or enjoy. I decided to do this page as an easy way to introduce myself to you, in the hope that this will make it easier for us to get to know each other.

I will post some pictures of where I live, the people I know or see about town, and a few of my people.

I will post some things I've written, some pictures I've taken and some art things I've done on the computer; and, perhaps, offer a thought for today.

I will include my email address so you can tell me about yourself and, perhaps, what you find that we have as common interest. I will also welcome information about news which you see as not being available in the general press; news which has some relationship to the fulfillment of Bible Prophecy.

It is my hope that this exchange of ideas, opinions and information will lead to our knowing each other.

So let's begin.

There are a few things I've written on this page, along with some "computer art." I am not an artist by any stretch of the imagination, or definition, but I do like to use "The GIMP" and manipulate photographs and images, to produce a collage. Actually, I am a better wood carver than anything else; and have managed to sell a few wood carvings.

On this page is "Life's Dialogue," a free verse suggesting that the purpose of life is living, not defining the purpose. Next is "Oh! Woman" which is a not-too-subtle look at the power which has prevented the human race from slipping into extinction. Following that is another loose verse of metaphor and symbolic description of Life's journey. There is more on another page.

Life's Dialogue

galactic sunset

Conducted by Nature's Own
The wind speaks in soprano voice
While birds sing alto and tenor
Calm waters whisper in bass
In their dialogue of Life

While participants converse
An ocean storm o'r shouts
The desert's sly whisper
Then lesser being shelter

The subject in time becomes
Though all may, or not, agree
Which question will disclose?
The meaning of Life

The Rivers of Western Babylon

Then is it solemnly proposed
As the ebb and flow
Of tides and Life
Continue unabated

While winds blow,
And rains fall
The Question of Life
Is one of mind
OH! She said.

Top of "Life's Dialogue"

Rose Garden Yellow

Sierra Nevada Mountains in Spring

Gold Rose in Sunlight


Oh! Woman

Yosemite, where I was born

I love to watch o'er a mountain glade
as fading night retreats at sunrise
And to see the sun's light fade
Into pounding surf as evening sighs

I love autumn's gentle winds
While robins sing for all their worth
And rain, softer than lover's tears
Waters this thirsty earth

Yet, and yet
If truth I am telling
Beauty, your name is woman
The very flower of man's being

Christine and Julie

I love a woman fair
With trim figure and pert guile
Those wide eyes behind long hair
Watching me admire her smile!

My heart leaps
And takes to wings
With wild rhythm beats
OH! my heart sings

Can gravity such power command
If all the force of man aligned
Could they one heart's surrender demand
Be quiet! to your fate resigned

How survived the human race?
By man's arm's, by his will?
By some King's grace?
Oh silly, be still

Lacy and Amanda

There is no force
Not wind, nor gale so wild
No tide as o'er powering
As that doe eye smile

Surrender! your heart entire
Prey a son you'll be blessed
In his turn to admire
Such force of love possessed

Still, Oh Rib of Mine
One question I exclaim
Tell me, woman
Wince you came

Top of "Oh! Woman"  | Top of Page

This Long Journey

Wolf Crys Warning!!

There were times of danger
When I was a child
I once leapt from a bridge
Once I fell from a tree
Like most children
I stretched my legs
Then focused my eye
On that faint blue horizon

My childhood home grew small
The walls close together
That long road called to me
The horizon seemed not far
With a strong back and naive mind
I thought myself grown

Moon setting over ruins

With a loaf of bread
A slice of meat and cheese
I turned my back on childish things
And set my feet upon that long road
Soon a dark wood tested my back
There I lost my innocence

Yet that long road pointed still
Toward that faint blue horizon
Leading me to a wide dry dessert
Where live many scaly beasts
Oh, long I struggled there

My Latest effort "Cat Mountain Castle"

With wounds and scars
I turned again to that long road
Now over high mountains
There with hardened mind
With metal in my bones
I tested defeat and won small victory

Then too short a time my road
Passed along a pleasant sea coast
With refreshing salt scented air
The sparkling sea on my right
Mountain's sunset lit peaks on the left
The easy life weakened my resolve
Still that faint blue horizon lay ahead

War Moon!

The long road led me into a wilderness
Where my strong arm began to tire
I noticed then that some were faster
And when speed was not enough
Crafty skill could win the day
I began to think that horizon far away

I stumbled from that wilderness
And not one to look back
I see that long road points still
Toward that faint blue horizon
Yet reaching that goal I now know
Is not for all who journey

Armageddon pointer at 9 : nuclear pointer at 11:58pm

Now I near my journey's end
The days have grown too long
Nor do short nights refresh

I am looking now
Beyond that far faint horizon
To that goal I've pursued
all along this lonely road.

Top of "Long Journey"  | Top of Page


Following is a collection of links to various sites I use or favor; and/or whatever.

A good Bible Program for your Computer.

I used Coffeecup HTML Editor and CSE HTML Validator to create these pages, and the HTML "Tidy program" too. The finished page code and links are validated with the W3C HTML and Link validation service.

The images on my site are created or processed using the ("GIMP") Image Manipulation Program "GNU" in both Windoz and Linux.

I look best in Opera 9!
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