Our Programs

Our main focus is to ensure a solid academic base of knowledge for our students to draw from throughout their lives.

We have many programs and activities that supplement and aid our elementary curriculum.


 book  Accelerated Reader is a computerized learning information system that manages, motivates, and assesses literature-based reading practice. Students select and read library books within their current reading level and then take computerized comprehension tests. Accelerated Reader assesses reading comprehension, tracks performance, and provides reports for teachers and students.

  dollar  In Riverside's Microsociety, the students receive "Riverside Bucks" for the hours they spend at school. If a child is tardy or leaves school early, their bucks will be reduced accordingly. With these "Bucks" they must pay tuition, taxes, and rent. All fines are assessed with this program. The businesses and "marketplace" are managed by the third and fourth grade students. Food and other products will be made by the children and sold. Payment, of course, is made using . . . .   "Riverside Bucks."

    Mountaineer Program  The Strong Mountaineer Program is a tutoring project for teacher-identified students in kindergarten through second grade. It is staffed by a coordinator, parents, and community volunteers.

Computer Education
is an integral part of our curriculum. IBM computer

A well-rounded computer education program is provided in collaboration with IBM and the West Virginia Basic Skills Project.


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Website created and maintained by:
Creative Technology Consultants
Established: 07/25/99 Last Updated: 07/27/99