Resigned to Their Fates
Charlie Wellander, jfa-cwr[at]

Or, The Taxpayers' Lament, being a seriocomic opera in four actions.

The fire chief could substitute
Men for money -- lives or loot.
So credit to Chief Thomas Tippett,
Safety first for his men did tip it.
Climb the ladder, then down the chute.

When audit deadlines kept straying,
Tony's patience soon was fraying.
Booted out Ms. Valerie Holt,
Then gave the Council quite a jolt --
For her keep we'd still be paying.

DCPS troubles mount.
Too many chefs to no account.
Say goodbye to Arlene Ackerman
San Francisco did attract her. Man,
Who can tell our kids they count?

On August 10th he goes with a sigh,
Plus $40K more to say bye-bye.
So here's to Robert Newman,
Replaced by a woman or a new man.
Who says it doesn't pay to lie?

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