
There are many people out there who don't know the facts about our religion.  Here I will list basic facts about  what we believe and do not believe, what is true and what is false. Blessed be my friend, no matter what path you walk.
Laughing Tiger

The most common of myths concerning pagans andWiccans is that we are satanic in nature.  This is completely false!Niether pagans nor wiccans recognize the entity known as satan. Belief in satan is limited to Christianity, Islam and Satanism. This myth sprang from the Wiccan/Pagan diety known as the Horned God(an ancient form of the God of the hunt)and perhaps the God Pan. Early Christians adopted these as there symbol for satan in an attempt to convert the pagans.

Most pagans and wiccans do use magick, but unlike movies it is never to harm, only to heal. We cast spells for healing, luck, prosperity, and on occasion a binding to keep some one away.  Never, do we cast to injure or cause misfortune. Our law or "rede" states,  "an' it harm none do what ye will".  This strictly forbids us harming anything, human or animal.
Stereotypes are also a common problem.  Wearing all black does not make one a witch, nor does said person proclaiming themselvs a witch make them one. Some Wiccans do prefer black as it is all colors on the spectrum combined, and it is a very magical color. However some prefer white,  browns, yellows, or reds.  As for what a typical witch looks like, look at the person in line next to you at the grocery store or your doctor or bank teller.   We are not made out of a mold.  We are everyday people who work, raise families and  pay our bills. We just happen to follow the path of an ancient earth-based religion.

The term Wiccan and Witch are often interchangable.   Some,  however,  prefer one or the other. Male wiccans/witches are never called warlocks.  This is a Scottish term meaning "oath breaker".  Many believe this term was used because witches then were believed evil and almost always female, therfore it was men VS the evil women, so when one of their own was believed to be consorting with them he was an oath breaker or  a betrayer.

With pagans and the religion of Wicca men and women are viewed as equals.  We do not descriminate for race, gender or sexual preference. The God and Goddess are seen as equal halves of a great universal whole. We view nature and all in it as part of the divine. This includes all animals, plants, even rocks and dirt. It is all part of the divine.  The term "The burning times" is used quite often.   This refers to the time of the inquistion and Salem witch trials, during which many witches and several innocent men and women were tortured, burned at the stake,or hung. We remember this so we will never be oppressed again. The freedom of religion we have is a precious and rare thing. In many states Wiccan churches have recieved tax exempt status, and this is something to be held in awe, not so long ago, we would have been jailed and killed....mayhap not even jailed.

There are so many misconceptions which surround the  religion of Wicca and other pagan religions.  It is important to get the information out there, so that others may understand that we mean no harm, we will not contact you,  nor will we approach you on the street to ask if you have excepted the Goddess. We will not be at shopping malls to recruit your children.  This is not what we do.  If someone wishes to know,  they must contact us. We will not try to sway them.   Most will tell them of a helpful book or website, and let the person make their up their own mind..

Blessed be my brothers and sisters.
Love Light and Laughter
Laughing Tiger

