Who We Are

In the simplest of terms, we are a family who believes that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Our church was founded by Christ and carries only His name (Matt. 16:18). Similarly, because we follow only Christ and His teachings, we carry only His name -- calling ourselves "Christians" -- with no further defining terms such as "Baptist," "Catholic," or "Protestant" (Acts 11:26, Acts 26:28, I Peter 4:16).

Although you may see several congregations around Lewisburg and the country that carry the name "Church of Christ," we are a non-denominational church. Thus, there is no governing body for the various churches of Christ nor is there any organization that links the Second Avenue congregation to any other than in heaven (I Peter 3:22). However, many of our members are well acquainted with members of other congregations of the churches of Christ. Each congregation is autonomous having its own elders (Acts 14:23), ministers (II Timothy 4:5), and deacons (I Timothy 3:8-13). As fellow Christians belonging to Christ's church, we share unity and fellowship, not through denominationalism, but of belief and understanding in salvation through Christ.

While we are a predominantly African-American body, our ages, professions, and interests are representative of the Lewisburg community. More important is our distinguishing characteristic -- our commitment to Jesus Christ and His teachings. It is our hope that through our gathering, we will learn to better follow the example of Christ in the pursuit of Godly living.

What You Will See During Our Worship

Our worship rituals are guided by the teachings of Christ and, therefore, are taken from the New Testament of the Bible. Each worship service is comprised of singing, a sermon, communion and collection.


During our service, you are likely to notice that the Turner Road family enjoys congregational singing. The Bible teaches the entire New Testament church to sing during worship service. Therefore, we have no choir singing (I Corinthians 14:15, Ephesians 5:19).

Also, you may notice that we sing acappella, that is, without any accompanying musical instrument. Our decision to omit the use of musical instruments from worship service, because the New Testament does not mention their use, is just one example of our strict adherence to New Testament doctrine.

In comparison with many religious traditions, this may seem a fundamentalist approach. However, we believe that Biblical scripture is God-inspired (II Timothy 3:16). Accordingly, we seek neither to add nor subtract from the worship methods authorized by the New Testament.


The objective of the sermon delivery is to teach the Word of God (I Timothy 4:11). We seek to deliver a message that is scripturally accurate, inspiring, identifiable, and interesting. We believe that the role of the pulpit is not to cajole, trick, or berate its listeners, but to rationally explain the love and will of God. Jesus Christ himself did this through parables and principles for daily living. We hope that through the sermon messages, you will be convinced and reminded of God’s love and your Christian responsibilities.

Communion and Collection

The bible teaches Christians to take communion in remembrance of the blood and body of Jesus Christ on the first day of each week (Acts 20:7). Similarly, the Bible also teaches us to give a portion of our earnings to the church on the first day of each week (I Corinthians 16:1-2).

How Can I Become A Member?

If you are sincerely interested in salvation and in Christ filling your life with joy and peace, you may seek to be added to His church as did the first century Christians (Acts 2:47, Acts 5:14).

The New Testament teaches that through hearing God's word (Romans 10:17, believing in Jesus as Savior (James 2:24), confessing sin (Romans 10:9,10), and being baptized (Colossians 2:12), you become a child of God.

The Second Avenue family would like to invite you to accept Christ as your personal Savior and request baptism !!!