The Portal


I saw a rainbow that bestrode

A golden mountain, not the flimsy ribbon kind

Legend tells us leads to a pot of gold

But the sturdy columns of the portal God

Walks through whenever He spares His time


The multicolored columns rose

Deep into the stormy dark of a brooding cloud

So from its peak His height I could not know

But from such width and grandeur surely His stature grows

Taller than my earthly doubts


I pondered did He just step in

Or was it left behind forgotten on His way out?

I looked about to see if miracles happened

And saw the golden rays of sun, the painted rain

The mountain and the brooding cloud


Then I wished that I could pass

Through the portal high into the heavenly blue

And there encounter every God and Goddess

Our kind has dreamed of, prayed to, feared, adored, encompassed

In pursuing Eternal Truths


But my urge to wander drove me away

Away from that vision and my daydream when in times past

A shepherd would linger, then a Voice might say

Every Truth that dwelt in the human heart that day

In the future and in the past


We suffer so from going fast

Toward uncertain endings, always more beginnings:

So a miracle is never pass

Rainbows deities may drop across our paths

And seeing, hearing, experiencing

