Two years past the day America groaned

The day two towers standing high and proud

Dissolved in dusky dust and paper cloud:

We’re still exhuming victims’ hallowed bones,


Two years since the world their sympathy loaned

When our nation’s leaders lusty vengeance vowed

And draped the Taliban in fiery shroud:

Our wound still bleeding now becomes a touchstone.


And yet we’re fractured as to what it means:

A weakness of moral and political will?

Or lack of shame for how we’re seen in the world?


Unsteady foreign policy careens:

Invade Iraq for weapons Saddam has squirreled

Away; ignore Osama who wrought our hell . . .


As bloody rags adorn our well-known wealth

The Warfare doctrine harms the Republic’s health.



Ernest Cardenas

San Francisco

S: November 10, 2003

F: January 7, 2004