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Information Feedback Form

The Victoria Working Group needs your assistance in compiling the Citizens' Report, to present an alternative and realistic view of the situation confronting many Victorians, especially those on the fringes.

Kindly fill out the form below as briefly as possible, but add more information if necessary. You may like to include some case stories, statistics, etc. When you have completed entering the information, be sure to click the Submit button at the bottom.

All information submitted will be treated in confidence.

Contact Details (optional)

If you provide contact details, ASERP may contact you for further information which may be of value in the preparation of the Citizens' Report, or to verify information given.

Email address:


  1. What major issues confront the community in which you are involved?

  2. With regard to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, what rights do you feel are being violated?

  3. Do you think these rights are being violated through:
    1. Legislation - please specify legislation and whether Federal or State.

    2. Policy or other mechanisms, i.e., the way legislation is implemented, not implemented, etc.

Please click the submit button to register the information you have entered.

Created: 2/11/1999 J.A.S.
Updated: 3/11/1999 J.A.S.

Hits since 5/11/1999: