Welcome to my little corner of the people section. This is the part where you get to hear all about me. I hope that is what you were looking for. . . if not, you might as well stay and look around. Who knows what you might learn or see. . .
you may have been able to tell, I have a thing for white marble. I'm not sure
why. But, I think you can rest assured that this is the only other place it will
appear. Scattered through out this page will be pictures that are seemingly
randomly placed, and some that may serve some kind of purpose. You have entered
and there are no guaranties.
My name is Shawn M Graham. I was born on a cold morning of November sixth, 1980 at 12:15 am. There are many things in my life that I am apart of, and many things that I believe in, some deeply, some not. My mind is a place where anything can happen and you have been warned.
I graduated from high school as part of the class of 1999. I am currently a freshman enrolled in Cayuga Community College. I plan to spend two years there and then to transfer to Oswego State to ultimately study communications. I am a person that loves interaction with other people. I feel at home in almost any crowd.
I like to think of my self as a dreamer, a creator. I love to write. Poetry is something I enjoy both the creation and the reading of. I have received the enormous compliment of being able to make my readers feel the emotion that is being expressed. I hope that you will stop by the Library and take some time to look over my writings. I also create worlds within my head but they seldom make it to paper, or a story seldom makes it to completion. Much to Jen's dismay. Oh, Jen is my girlfriend. You will be able to learn a lot about her on her own page. But, what I will say now is, I love her with all of my heart and soul.
In high school I was active is some things.
Some of them were S.A.D. for two or there years, T.A.C., Drama Club,
"South Pacific",
"Anything Goes", "A Bad Year For Tomatoes", and "Flowers
for Algernon", Spirit Club. I was voted "Most School
Spirited" by my classmates. I was an un official cheerleader and often
times the school mascot. I was always crowned Mr. Phoenix for the '98-'99 year.
I believe it had something with me being able to bend in odd and in human ways.
That, and I think I received pity points for hurting my groin while trying to do
a split.
have participated in The Aids Walk and Run for the past three years and intend
on continuing to give them my support in the years that will come.
I also created the The Teen Help and Contact Center because of my love, need, to help people. We are dedicated to helping people and making a difference. We just need things to pick up now. The site has been renovated and is maintained by Lady. A wonderful girl, you'll meet her later too.
Often when I meet people I introduce my self by saying "I, as always, am The Duke of Earl." or "I am Shawn M Graham, The Duke of Earl". Now, this has lead to many questions such as, "Where or what is "Earl"?", "Is your name Earl?" and so on an so forth. Both Duke and Earl are titles of nobility. however, I do not see Earl as a titled when applied to me. I see Earl as a state of being, a way of living. People ask me how I became The Duke of Earl and I reply that I did not become it, I just am. The idea was based in a song called "The Duke of Earl". But from that, it grew into so much more. I, as always, am The Duke of Earl.
Earl Manor. People see that graphic on the front page and ask me if that is my house. *smiles* It is not. It would be nice if it was though. Earl Manor is something that came about during my early days on the JQML. The people of the list knew me as The Duke and it seemed only right that I have a place to live. So, that is when Earl Manor was formed. Later, Earl Manor: The Cyber Home of The Duke of Earl was formed. No dimensions have been specified, the is no set look to the Manor in My Mind. The one constant seems to be The Gardens. Currently, my adopted little sister Chels lives in my cyber home with me as well as bluang6487. It has housed and survived more JQML parties then I can remember. Please, take a look around and enjoy your stay.
I have begun my search for my animal totem. I forsee this to be a long journy
but one that will be worth it. I seem to have a deep liking of primates,
speciffically monkeys. I relate to them, being active, agile, and feeling at
home in a tree. However, I do not wish to jump to conclusions and assume that
they are my totem animal. There are many many animals out there and my chosen
animal just may be a Bannana Slug. That might be neat. Odd, but neat.
I have one Chinese Dwarf Hamster named Tasslehoff Burrfoot who is training to be a Jedi. You can learn about him on his page. I also care for two mini-fantail gold fish named Flint and Padme (pronounced Padmay) and a fantail goldfish named Thomas. Samantha the Golden Chinese Algae Eater keeps the tank clean along with the slew of snails that live in the twenty gallon tank. My faverite flower is the white rose.
I think it is time to close this rather long expadition into my mind. Take care. Keepen' the faith baby.
AIM: Rainnheart
E-mail: The_Duke_of_Earl@juno.com
ICQ: 32530280