
Dark despair in the depths of night.
Loneliness cloaked upon shoulders tired from strife.
Rustle of wings fills ebon skies
Glow of white against starry velvet
Radiant visage of beauty framed with golden tresses
Mail glittering in starlight, weapons sharp and clean

Reaching out to lift the downtrodden
Seeking to raise the spirit beaten low.
Enticing to strive, to tread Bifrost, towards realms of glory.
She lifts the beaten to strive once more,
Once more to fight, to live, to try.

Gentle smile warms cold heart,
Firm hand lifts spirit low.
Now filed with her radiance, rising to meet challenges mighty,
To fight, to strive, to try.
Lifted up on swan wings white,
To fly above the Darkness.

-Karl Thorrwolf

© 1999 C Skinner



The Hunt

Midnight cold searing flesh,
Breath hanging heavy in freezing air.
Frost on tree branch, bright crystals in the moonlight.
Weary traveler plodding through the Dark of the Year.
Mani, the only lantern for the trek.
Sunna, far far from his path.

Winds arising, spectral horns sounding in the darkness,
Hounds baying, keenly through the air.
Hooves pounding upon the sky.

Sig-Father riding, eight hooves pounding stars to dust,
Lady of Seidh, riding, cats' tread silent, seeking those who yearn.
Seeking those who would learn.
Upon the wind across the sky,
The Hunt, seeking those who yearn.

Weary traveler, chosen
Rises with the host of the fallen.
Carried to halls of glory for a night,
For a year, for a lifetime.
Midnight cold, crystal frost.
Not a paw nor hoof doth mark the path.
Quiet is the night
Beneath Mani's lantern,
Sunna, far far away.

-Karl Thorrwolf

© 1999 C Skinner