Big White Lies
From the inception of the United States, that government has
attempted to maintain civil relations with the American Indian.
While it may be argued that the government bargained in good
faith, i.e. really intended to honor the treaties that were made,
history records that these treaties were not honored and the
Native peoples were displaced from their lands repeatedly as the
new country expanded westward.
Often the Native peoples were displaced from their lands, i.e.
lands that were ceded to them in a treaty with the government,
when it became clear that those lands contained some resource
which the government wanted. For example, it should be
indisputable that the Georgia gold rush of 1838 led directly to
the removal of the Cherokee on the Trail of Tears. Gold fever
also fueled the Indian wars which included the battle of the
Little Big Horn.
History also records that many of the leaders to which the
United States accord greatness had abominable policies toward the
Native peoples. Washington and Lincoln both advocated eradication
of the Native population. And the ingracious Andrew Jackson,
whose life was saved by a Cherokee warrior at the Battle of
Horseshoe Bend, advocated outright genocide of the Native
populace and approved the removal of the Cherokee to the Indian
Territories [Oklahoma].
A collection of treaties which were forged between the
government of the United States and the Delaware people have come
into our possession, and we would post these for your
examination. Each treaty will be preceded by a
synopsis/commentary on what the treaty promises the Delaware
people. History records the results of these promises; actually,
each subsequent treaty often revokes the previous promises.
This collection of treaties is not intended to create a sense
of guilt in the reader; the perpetrators of these lies are long
dead. These lies are in the past; it is only hoped that the
future will learn from these treaties and prevent further lies
from being perpetrated against the Delaware or other Native
1778 Treaty
1785 Treaty
1789 Treaty
1804 Treaty
July 1805 Treaty
August 1805 Treaty
1809 Treaty
1814 Treaty
1815 Treaty
1817 Treaty
September 1818
October 1818
Aug. 1829 Treaty
Sept. 1829 Treaty
October 1832
May 1854 Treaty
May 1860 Treaty
1866 Treaty
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