Ok, so here it is. You may
have seen the page I formally had, well
I had been getting more questions and
I became bored with the whole layout
, so I decided that I would build
this one. I have gotten some
emails and some IMs (KIRALDYLUV on AOL or AIM)
and these are the questions and
the advice that I gave them.

Miss Lady Love,
I have a question that involves sex. My girlfriend
and I have been together since we were
15. We are now 19 and we have never
had sex. I had sex before we
got together and when we were
briefly seperated, but she never has. She
says that she thinks she is ready,
but wants it to be absolutely perfect. The other girls I were
with didn't care where or how
it was, so I really don't know
how to make it "perfect".
Can you give me some tips?

My advice to you is to talk to your girlfriend about
this. But I assume that you aren't really comfortable
with that, or else you want her
to think that you came up with ideas
on your own. So I will help you with
this. Being a woman I have learned that
sex is not "perfect" but in theory
it can be. There are a lot of
scenerios that could be considered "perfect", but
I will give you one of my faves. It is
probably the easiest and safest too. Make sure
that you find a place where the two of you
can be alone, i.e. an apartment or house.
Maybe you could make her a nice dinner
by candle light in your dining room with
no one but you and her. Then after dinner
you two could just talk and maybe get
to kissing and well, that kinda thing.
Then you could take her up to your
bedroom, in which the bed would be covered in
rose petals and the bed would be
perfectly made with candles lighting the room.
I don't know how your girlfriend stands on oral
sex but if you don't want to ask you
could try subtle things like, as you're
taking off her clothes, kissing random spots
on her body asking if it's okay, slowly moving down.
The key to penetration is to keep moving
slow. Make sure that she is either very wet
or you have a lot of lubrication to
make sure the pain for her is minimal.
And, of course, make sure that you have two forms of protection.
In your case a condom and a lubricant
with spermicide would be great.
I hope I've helped.
Love Always,
Lady Love

Dear Lady Love,
Hey, I just wanna know something. My wife says that
oral sex is icky and nasty and it's
morally wrong. But before we were married
she loved it. Now I understand that women
are strange, but
are they really this strange? And why is it that
she will let me perform on her but
she will not perform on me?


Dear Duh,
As far as why she performed on you before and
why her mindset changed, I dunno,
women are strange, but before you were
married, it was all about luring you
in and making sure you were pleased.
After you're married she doesn't have
to fool with it, although she should. Now,
of course she likes to be
performed on. That's natural, but a good
way to make her retaliate would be
to NOT perform on her.
Hope I've helped.
Love Always,
Lady Love

Advice page 2