Frequently Asked Questions

By Shrawan K. Shrivastava

What is Hinduism?

How did Hinduism Originate?

What is the most important Scripture of Hinduism?

What are Yajnas and Yagas?

What are other Scriptures of Hinduism. Are they considered authorative

What is the nature of God according to Hinduism?

If Hindus believe in One god, why do people worship so many gods. I have heard there are 33,000,000 Gods and Godesses in Hinduism?

Is it not stupid to worship manmade images and idols?

Is it customary to install images in the temples? What is the significance of Temples

How do Hindus worship? What is the significance of Worship?

Should we worship only in Snaskrit? Can i use English or Hindi to worship?

Are Non-Hindus allowed to come in Temples?

Why and How are Festivals to be Observed? Which Festivals are we supposed to follow?

What is the need of Pilgrimages? What are the rules for it?

Dont the priests exploit the poor people?

Does God Incarnate himself? How does it take place? Are there any limitations on such incarnations?

What has Hinduism to say about nature of man and purpose of life?

Why do we undergo suffering in life? Will it never come to an end.

Is Moksha the only goal of life?

What is Moksha? How can one attain it?

What is Vedanta? Are there Different Schools in it? What are the teachings of Each school?

What is the meaning of Yoga? How many yogas are there? How do we practice yogas?

What do these terms mean? Guru (teacher), Sishya (disciple), Ishtadevata (the favourite deity for contemplation), Mantra (divine mm or the spiritual formula), Pranava (the syllable Om), Diksha (initiation), Dhyana (contemplation) and Japa (repetition of divine name or spiritual formula).

Is there rebirth for Human being? What causes it?

What is Kama?

The world we live in, the universe we see and observe how were they created? Have the Hindu scriptures attempted any explanation of this phenomenon? Can their explanations stand the scrutiny of science?

Isnt caste system a Blot on Hinduism? How did it originate?

Can Hindus marry within Caste's? What are the rules? How does it affect the child which is born?

Are steps being taken to Eradicate the caste system?

. What is the Varna Ashrama system? Are these institutions sill in vogue today?

What is Samskara? How many Samskaras have been listed in out scriptures? Why should they be undertaken? What are the Samskaras that are still extant and applicable to all sections of Hindus society?

What are the factors that pollute man?

What is Papa (sin, evil) and Punya (virtue, merit, good)?

What is the status accorded to woman in Hindu Society? Does she have equality with man? How much does she enjoy?

Is Hinduism as powerful as it was in the past?

What are the principle reform movements Hinduism has gone through?

Have our Mathas (monastic seats) and the several religious institutions been participating in this movement? Somehow they do not seem to hold forth much promise as instruments of reform. How can these institutions he rejuvenated and reactivated?

Is there any Daily routine prescribed for Hindus?

It seems that the Hindu society is now at the crossroads of history. What should we do to build up a new Hindu society based on the eternal values of Hinduism?

What is the attitude of Hindu's towards other religions.

Does Hindu Scriptures mention something about Sceintific facts?

What is the status of Elders and Parents in Hinduism

Is Dowry legal in Hinduism?

What is Sati? Has it been prescribed in Scriptures?

What is the concept of Human Sacrafice?

Are Hindus allowed to marry only one wife?

How does one Convert to Hinduism? Which caste will he goto?

When a woman gets widowed, is she allowed to marry again? What does a widow do?


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