*~ Gods ~*

Gwynn AP Nudd
                              The Master of the Wild Hunt, The Welsh Guardian of the Dark Portals
                              of the Underworld. He rode the Night in a Flowing gray cloak upon a
                              pale horse following his Hounds called Cwn Annwn. (very large,white
                              with red tipped ears). They would seek out and collect souls.

                              Known to all Celts as the "Horned God". God of nature, virility,
                              fertility, animals, sex, reincarnation and shamanism. Known to the
                              Druids as Hu Gadarn. God of the Underworld and Astral Planes. The
                              Consort of the Great Goddess.

                              One of the two greatest Celtic Bards that ever lived. Taliesin was the
                              great Bard of the Welsh, whose poetry and songs, Including the Cad
                              Goddieu, tell us most of what we know about Druidry in Wales. He
                              gained his knowledge from the Cauldron of Cerridwen. They are both
                              patrons of Bards, Music, Magick and Poetry.