Merry Meet, and Welcome to the Temple!

The Coven of the Black Rose is proud to announce we are a proud member of the Universal Church of Life.

At long last The Coven of the Black Rose is finaly undergoing the promised overhaul and update. I would like to apologize for the long delay in updating our site, saddly for reasons of health, our site has been neglected. I am happy to say that the issues of health have been put behind me, and I am eager to begin the process of updating this site.

Blessed Be
Lord Damian

Anyone interested in either membership or the on line course may recieve further information by contacting Lord Damian


The Sacred Scrolls

A Thought in Time-Updated 4/25/03

Scroll of Enlightenment

Scroll of History

Scroll of the Circle of Lives

Scroll of Tradition

Scroll of Beliefs

Scroll of the Sabbats

Scroll of the Esbats

Scroll of the Moon

Scroll of Sacred Tools

The Scroll of Runes

Scroll of the Gods

Scroll of The Charge of The God

Scroll of the Charge of the Grey Wanderer

Scroll of the Charge of the Goddess

Scroll of the Charge of the Star Goddess

Scroll of the Charge of the Dark Goddess

Scroll of the Pentagram

Scroll of Candle Magick

Scroll of Incence

Scroll of Stones

The Book of Shadows

Never again the Burning

Enter the Coven

Back to the Temple
