Out of the Shadows.....Into the Light

You are led
through your lifetime
by the inner learning creature,
the playful spiritual being
that is your real self.

Don`t turn away
from possible futures
before you are certain you don`t have
anything to learn from them.

You`re always free
to change your mind and
choose a different future, or,
a different

Richard Bach)

Merry Meet, and Welcome to The Coven of the Black Rose!
Before continuing on, you might ask yourself, what is it that has brought you here today?

Perhaps you are Wiccan, and in further search of knowledge and understanding of traditions different from your own. Perhaps you are Christian, and in search of understanding of a Faith, that seems so contrary to all that you believe.

And Perhaps, you are simply searching for a new path to enlightenment, having found that your old path has left you wanting for deeper meaning.

Regardless of your reasons for visiting our Temple, Lady Satinka and myself would like to thank you for coming. And we ask that you keep an open mind and heart towards what you find here.

Blessed be
Lord Damian


is finding out what you already know.


is demonsrating that you know it.


is reminding others that they know just as well as you.

You are all learners



By Richard Bach)

Creede of the Black Rose

Oh know thee Sons and Daughters of the Sun and Moon,

Cherish the God and Goddess, and Rejoice,and be Blessed,

With the fullness of Life.

Know that They have walked Beside Us, and Led Us to the Path,

Welcomed Us into the Sacred Circle, Blessed Us as the Keepers of Wisdom, and the Guardians of the Sacred Flame of Knowledge.

Forever more remember Thee, We are of the Craft,
We have no Doubt, We know no Fear,

We walk the Golden Path of Light, ever Rising from Shadow, to Shadow,

To the Sacred Halls of Asgard

Live Thee Life to the Fullest, Refrain thee not from Earthly Pleasures,

For from it We Grow to Learn and Understand, Untill the time We Shall be Reborn

To Learn Anew, repeating this Sacred Cycle `till we have spiraled the Stairway of Perfection,

And can Truly call the God and Goddess Our Kin.

Walk the Verdant Fields and Forests, be refreshed by the Cool Winds and Fragrant Flowers.

The Sun and Moon Sing in the Ancient, Wild Places, the Deserted Seashore, the Barren Dessert, and the Roaring Waterfall. We are from the Earth, and Shall Revere Her, and do Her Honor.

Celebrate Thee the Rites on the Appropriate Days and Seasons, and Call upon the God and Goddess when the Time has come to Meet, but use the Power only when necessary, never for frivolous ends. Know that using the Power for Harm is a Perversion of Life itself.

But for Those among Thee who Love and Magnify Love, the Richness of Life shall be your Reward. Nature will Celebrate.

So Love The God and Goddess, and Harm Thee none.

Blessed Be!

(adapted from Words to the Wise by Scott Cunningham)

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