Personal Development Tools

Some people prefer to conduct their own leadership development programs. If you are one of those people, these sites will help you to implement a course of personal growth by indicating areas in need of improvement and suggesting alternative routes.
The Keirsy Temperament Sorter is a questionnaire that will give the test taker an idea of their temperament and personality characteristics in terms of the sixteen variations of the Myers Briggs test.
The PROFILER, a personality test offered by Organizational Diagnostics Online, offers a detailed assessment report for each of 5 traits measured by the test, with a normative comparison of over 50,000 people. The test provides a detailed feedback report helpful to anyone seeking to enhance their leadership skills. 14 question quiz that measures the affective and cognitive aspects of empathy, a essential component of Emotional Intelligence. Depending on your score, the feedback can be very detailed.
Pathways to School Improvement contains a "Trip Planner Inventory," an assessment tool to help analyze the leadership practices in a school or classroom which points to specific resources within Pathways.  The site discusses critical issues in leadership including: Building a Collective Vision, Building a Conunitted Team, Establishing Collaborations and Partnerships, Creating High-Achieving Learning Environments, Ieading and Managing Change and Improvement.  In addition, there is a list of publications that you can explore to deepen the investigation of your interests.
The Management Center's online Nonprofit Assessment tool is an eight part, 80 item questionnaire, by which organizations can measure their capacity and performance in the following areas: Administration and Leadership; Board of Directors; Community Relations/Marketing; Finance; Human Resources; Planning; Program; and Plant and Equipment.  Users can have a free trial assessment by selecting one of the areas.  The tool will generate an individual report for each user, based on her or his answers to the questions.  The full 16-20 page customized report specifically interprets the user's answers to every one of the 80 questions.  It also provides an overall numerical score and surrunary for each of the eight subject areas.
This special assessment on emotional intelligence quotient was created and submitted by Daniel Goleman.  Take this test and discover your 'EQ".
