1. Animated Banner 450 x 40 that includes the words GIF Animation.
2. Definition for GIF Animation (Include a link to the web site for the
online dictionary http://m-w.com)
3. My Examples
A) TeamCIA class slogan: This animation will present the classroom slogan,
"What do you want to learn today?" TeamCIA. You must include at least
one image transition. The animation must hyperlink to http://TeamCIA.com The
animation speed must be created to allow for the slogan to be read.
This animation is 19
frames with a fade effect between the last two cells. The fade effect last
for 2 seconds and is at a rate of 5 frames per seconds creating 10 frames for
the effect. The speed of this animation is 9 seconds at 28.8K.

B) Motivational Quote Animation: This animation will be a positive and
motivational quote by a known author. Images must be included to support the
quote. You may place more then one word in a cell. This animation could be built
with a minimum of 2 cells! This animation is limited to 20 cells. Your animation
will finish with the Author's name. Need to find a quote? Try these links...
C) PVHS sport or activity animation: This animation must advertise or promote
a PVHS activity or sport. The animation must be positive and supportive of the

D) A Micro Button animation: The size will be 88 x 31 pixels. The button will
advertise your web site. This button will prompt users to click the button. Your
micro button will then be shared with classmates who will place it on their web
site and hyperlink the button to your web site.

4. Writing to support examples: Included in the writing will be the various
settings, frame delays, numbers of cells, types of image transitions and various
settings used.
5. Skills for Animation List 9 to 12 specific skills learned