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Coach Burgo

Get ready for a tech-driven world!
My Favorite Links:
Pascagoula Guidance and Athletics
Amazon Coach Burgo's Bargains
Burgo's Favorite Football teams:
NCAA                        NFL
Notre Dame               Saints
LSU                          Colts
BYU                          Giants

My Info:
Name: Coach Eddie Burgo
Training and Nutrition:

Three times per week, Cardio workouts maintain what fitness you have.  If you want to get in shape, start off slowly and set short range goals.  You may also want to set long range goals in order to see your progress for the long term.
Keep an eye here for recommendations for different meals.
Stock Pick of the Week: 10/02/06
There are 2 this week
Both received buyout orders and there may be a way to make a quick buck here!
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