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"The Sublime lies buried in things and concepts, always already bursting through the shimmmering screen of (mis)representations (the lying mirror) left, right and center. Therefore, topological thought is not for everyone, especially those too lame to stroll (saunter) through dark landscapes of bewilderment and becoming." --Dr. Prof. Ing. I. M. Avenarius, Bons Mots (London: Sub-Verso Press, 2005)


All material is copyrighted and may be utilized for personal therapeutic purposes only ...

PLEASE NOTE: These documents are always-already provisional ... As such, they are periodically revisited, revised and updated ...

Bazantnice (PDF / 257 KB)
Citronovy Dvur (PDF / 161 KB)
Mantova (PDF / 172 KB)
Piazza della Signoria (PDF / 311 KB)
Villa Dragon (PDF / 223 KB)



ESSAYS / 2002

Winged-Victory (PDF / 85 KB)
Small Subject, Large Object (PDF / 36 KB)
Surrationalisme (RTF / 18 KB)
Urformalism (RTF / 24 KB)
Coordinates 1 (PDF / 4 KB)
Coordinates 2 (PDF / 35 KB)
The Ontological Dream (PDF / 236 KB)
Water & the World-Soul (RTF / 46 KB)

ESSAYS / 2003

Architectural Body (RTF / 19 KB)
Zizek / Badiou (RTF / 15 KB)
Manfredo Tafuri Is Dead (RTF / 27 KB)
Sublime Aesthetics (RTF / 24 KB)


In February-May 2004 Gavin Keeney traveled by inclined planes to San Francisco, Singapore, Adelaide, San Francisco, New York, Prague, and New York ... For RTF documents surveying these voyages, plus ... , see: 1/
Pieces of San Francisco; 2/ Techno-Hiphop Architecture in Singapore; 3/ Linnaeus' Gaze; 4/ Post-IFLA; 5/ House of the Wind / May Day; 6/ Moravian Garden; and 7/ KLM Blue / Lightning at Midnight ...

ESSAYS / 2004-2005

The Given, The Taken, and The Given-Back (RTF / 33 KB)
Being Jean-Luc Marion (RTF / 37 KB)
Pays de Tendre: Discours Naturel (RTF / 60 KB)

BLACK & BLUE / THE ANTI-ANTI-THEORY TRILOGY - Letter to No One (RTF / 57 KB) / Letter to Paolo Bartoloni (RTF / 51 KB) / Infinity Doubled / Double-Black Cat (RTF / 31 KB)

OFFRES SPECIALES / SAs (Essays-as-Things) 2004

BLUE) APPURTENANCES - New York, New York, New York - PAINTING, Mark Tansey @ Gagosian Gallery (RTF / 14 KB) / MIXED AFFECTS, Immodernity [...] @ MoMA (RTF / 29 KB) / LU, AGAIN (ALAS), /LU/: Black Sun @ MoMA (RTF / 14 KB) / SAVAGE BEAUTY, Hirst @ Gagosian (RTF / 11 KB) / HDM & PRESENT-DAY NOTHINGNESS, Operative Critiques (RTF / 11 KB) / ARCHITECTURE WHORES, Almost Independence Day (RTF / 9 KB) / DOG DAYS AND [...], The Factory of Collective Neurosis (RTF / 11 KB) / URBAN FLOTSAM, A Day in the City (RTF / 8 KB) / REGARDING THE PRESENT-PRESENT, The Formalist Moment 'Now' (RTF / 11 KB) / REGARDING NEGRI, ETC, V for Vendetta (RTF / 9 KB)

ESSAYS / 2006-2007

PASSIM - Regarding the "ARCHITECTURAL IMAGINARY", cliquez ici (RTF / 125 KB) ... / Regarding "THE END OF HISTORY", cliquez ici (RTF / 6 KB) ... / Regarding "HERESIES: ART AS NIGHT", cliquez ici (RTF / 150 KB) ...

'X': THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE (IR)REAL / RED LETTERS - "Dada Coming - Never say 'No' ... N'yet (not yet) ... Always say 'Yes' (twice) ... 'Da, Da' ...",
Good Mo(u)rning: Frozen City (RTF / 39 KB) / The Same /Sky/ (RTF / 8 KB) / Immodernity Itself (RTF / 50 KB) / The Existential Draft/Draught (RTF / 41 KB) / Kant Nietzsche Undo Lacan (RTF / 41 KB) / Blurrring the Real (RTF / 26 KB) / An Elective Communism (RTF / 27 KB) / Sinister Perspectives (RTF / 49 KB) / The Sayable and the Unsayable (RTF / 32 KB) / Zizek: Five Scenarios (RTF / 28 KB) / Dada Returns (RTF / 56 KB) / The Way Out (RTF / 68 KB) / Living Midnight (RTF / 39 KB)

MORE ABOUT NOTHING - Argument w/ a Dead Man (RTF / 7 KB) / Two Worlds (RTF / 5 KB) / Mute Points (RTF / 8 KB) / Holy Reticence (RTF / 9 KB) / Parousia (RTF / 62 KB) / 'Magna Graecia' (RTF / 6 KB) ...

Letter to No One (Rizoma, 04/26/07)
Kant Nietzsche Undo Lacan (Rizoma, 02/25/07)

'X' MARKS THE SPOT - Regarding STUDIO 'X', staged at the University of Adelaide School of Architecture, Landscape Architecture & Urban Design in October and November 2005, cliquez ici ... For sample PDFs of student work from Studio 'X', cliquez ici (Firenze), and ici (Praha) ... Regarding Seminar 'Y' (Why Bother?), cliquez ici (RTF) ...

PRE-INDUSTRIAL-STRENGTH ESSAIS - "When Pascal [le génie français] said it wasn’t in Montaigne, but in himself, that he found all that he derived from the Essays [published in 1580], he was suggesting that they operated as a mirror to most readers; this is amply borne out by their later reception [...] More recently still, Montaigne has been hailed as the first recorder of the [so-called] modern self." Ian Maclean, "Words from One Long Sentence", TLS (February 11, 2005), p. 9 / Appropriating Pascal (HTML)

Gavin Keeney / LANY (HTML)

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