The Universe
The Views Of A Simple Man Existing In This Universe

The creation of the universe started with the Big Bang. The Big Bang was a cosmic explosion, which caused an original mass, which was dense, hot, and compact, to explode. Upon explosion, this original mass separated into billions and billions of pieces. The universe expanded very rapidly at first, and then began to slow down, and is still expanding today.
After the Big Bang, the elements were formed. First Hydrogen, then helium, lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, and then others. Upon creation of the elements, many masses were formed; stars, novas, planets, moons, black holes, wormholes, and dark matter. Over time, our universe developed.
The Earth started off as a hot, molten mass with violent storms and volcanic eruptions. The planet then began to cool; with it formed the crust, oceans, and atmosphere.
The creation of the original mass is unknown to mankind. Many say that prior to the Big Bang, time was irrelevant, or even nonexistent. It boggles the mind to think about how the original mass came to be. If one were to say, "It was always there", you would wonder, "Just how long was that though?" As for what caused the Big Bang…another universal mystery.
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Life everywhere began as the colliding of different elements. This event caused life to begin. Out of the primordial ooze, these new creatures began adapting to their environment. Over time, these creatures began to move to new locations, upon which they again had to adapt. Eventually, these simple creatures evolved into complex ones, able to think for themselves, and not rely on instinct alone. After millions of years of evolution, these creatures then came out of the seas and oceans and adapted to a land environment. During the process of evolution, these creatures grew appendages, such as arms and legs, and began to walk upright. These creatures eventually became Homo-Sapiens, the most developed and evolved in the world. Today there are millions and millions of different species of creatures living on the Earth, man being the most intelligent of all, and also the most dangerous.
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The existence of extra terrestrial life is theorized by thousands, if not millions. As the universe expanded and cooled, the Earth was formed and inhabited, who is to say that this did not occur elsewhere in the cosmos? Whether life exists outside the Earth or not is still an ongoing study.
Certain events, however, are thought of as "Not of this world". One example of this is the Pyramid of Giza. The construction of this structure is nearly impossible, given that it was built thousands of years ago, without the advanced machinery and technology of today. This pyramid has experienced minimal erosion over the course of nearly 5000 years. It also serves as the most accurate marker of direction to date, with each side pointing to its true cardinal direction. It also exhibits multiple mathematical perfections, most being that all of the demensions are directly related to the demensions of the Earth in multiple aspects. It is theorized that this pyramid, along with all others, was designed by alien life forms, but built by humans under their guidance.
The presence of the Great Pyramid of Giza suggests that long ago, mathematics and incredible engineering consepts, as well as an amazing knowledge of the Earth existed. Even with our advanced technology we cannot duplicate a structure as perfect and structurally superior as the Great Pyramid. For more information on The Great Pyramid of Giza, please visitTHE GREAT PYRAMID, it is definitely worth your time, trust me (if the page redirects itself, just hit the back button on your browser).
A second example would be Stonehenge. This mysterious stone circle was used by ancient druids as a religious ceremony site and as a type of calendar used to predict the summer and winter solstices, as well as the vernal and autumnal equinoxes. It is also theorized, however, that this stone circle was used as a type of signal for alien life. This stone circle may have also been a type of tribute to life forms who visited ancient man.
A third example is the reports of UFO sightings throughout history, and around the world. All through history there have been reports of objects of an unknown origin seen hovering in the air or zipping across the sky. Many modern sightings have been proven to be hoaxes, planes, government experiments, or natural phenomena. There are, however, sightings and encounters of the third kind that have gone unexplained. One such example of this is the famous sighting at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947, where thousands of people witnessed an object soaring thought the air that was not man made.
From ancient cave drawings, to modern day home videos, these anomalies go unexplained.
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Many people have reported seeing supernatural apparitions throughout history. These occurrences are thought of as being the souls of the dead who have remained on the Earth. It is my theory, however, that these encounters are of a completely different nature.
I believe that supernatural phenomena are the result of a multi-universe that exists simultaneously with our own, but not completely on the same plain. These universes intersect our own at different times and places because all of the different universes are constantly shifting positions. While we believe that the apparitions are that of the dead, those that we see believe that we are the ones who are dead. . It is theorized that each of these universes are exact replicas of our own, in which every possible scenario is played out, and we are just one of many.
The gateways to these alternate universes… wormholes. A wormhole is the end result when a black hole, which is a collapsed star, collapses itself, creating a tear in the fabric of the universe. We cannot, however, travel through these wormholes yet, due to insufficient means of transportation. Supernatural encounters are just a glimpse at what lies on the other side of the wormholes.
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Throughout the history of man, the questions of how and why have been pursued. Man needed to know why things happened and how they came about. Man was also curious about what there was after death. Aside from being curious, man was also afraid, afraid that there was nothingness after death. So man manifested a god or gods in his own image. Man proclaimed that this was the way it is and has always been, because he couldn't explain it himself. This would explain why there have been so many different gods in man's history. From the Aztec sun god, to Mount Olympus, to the Christian God; all were creations of man out of fear.
The Bible was written by man in order to answer the questions "why" and "how". It was a good attempt, and made believers out of millions, but it was all done out of curiosity, fear, and the need for closure.
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The human mind, a complex system of neurons (Nerve Cells), neuralgia (Supporting Tissue), vascular (Blood Carrying) tissue, and other forms of tissue. All of these combined form the most the most complex organ in the human anatomy, and without it, human existence would be impossible.
The mind gives us our emotions, such as fear, anger, hate, love, happiness, sadness, and guilt. Any chemical imbalance could send a person on a downward spiral into depression.
The one problem with the human mind is its inefficiency. The mind is not fully evolved yet. Most humans use less than 10% of the weight of their brain. There are, however, exceptions to everything.
One key example of this is the existence of telekinesis, the ability to manipulate physical objects with the mind. It is my theory that those individuals who posses such mental powers must be using a higher percentage of their brain. Their minds may have evolved to a higher state than the rest of mankind.
A second example is the historical presence of healers. Healers are a phenomenal example of what the human mind will someday evolve to. Jesus was perhaps the greatest healer in history. He knew that he was gifted, but he didn't understand why. So, out of fear, he proclaimed that he was the Son of God and that he was sent to do his bidding. This was the only explanation that he could think of to explain why he could perform these "miracles". In his mind he was the Son of God.
Moses was another example. He wasn't a healer, but he too had amazing mental capabilities. He also could not explain how he could accomplish these amazing feats. So he proclaimed that he was sent to do God's bidding. This too was the only way he could explain his abilities.
The future of the mind is uncertain. It is also my theory, however, that one day the human mind will evolve to the point where it becomes pure energy, and man will no longer have a need for his physical body. When that day comes, mankind will see things in a new perspective. Man will no longer pass judgment on his fellow man, and only when the mind has reached this point, that peace shall be at hand.
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The sixth sense is known as Extrasensory Perception, or E.S.P. E.S.P. has three subdivisions: clairvoyance, telepathy, and precognition. Clairvoyance is the ability to see or sense an object or event without the use of the five senses. Telepathy is the ability to read another person's mind or the transfer of thoughts from person to person. Precognition is the ability to predict future events, sometimes centuries before they happen.
Every human being has the sixth sense; it is all a matter of accessing it. The sixth sense is more prominent in some people than it is in others. One key example of this is French prophet Michele de Nostradamus. This man made several hundred predictions of the future during his life in the 15th century, over half of which have come true.
Many say that dreams allow a person to view into the future, although many times dreams can be very distorted. None the less though, everyone experiences the sixth sense, whether it is consciously or unconsciously.
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The soul has been a big part of religion for thousands of years. The soul is thought to be the source of energy that brings life to humans, but is the soul tangible or is it merely a metaphor for man’s ability to experience emotions and decipher right from wrong?
The following phrase is the best description of the soul that I have ever heard, and it comes from the Monty Python movie “The Meaning of Life”. “Matter is energy. In the universe there are many energy fields that we cannot normally perceive. Some energies have a spiritual source which act upon a person’s soul. However, this soul does not exist abenicio as Orthodox Christianity teaches. It must be brought into existence by a process of guided self-observation. However, this is rarely achieved because of man’s unique ability to become distracted from spiritual matters by everyday trivial.”
To me, the soul is simply a metaphor for the human conscious.
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Time travel is dismissed by many as merely a science fiction fantasy, but what if it was a reality? Traveling far into the future to see what awaits us, or reliving the past to be with loved ones long gone. Time travel may not be as far-fetched as people may believe it to be.
The fourth dimension refers to time and space. To most, it is more time than space. Traveling the three dimensions in this universe is a concept that is easily grasped by everyone, but that is simply due to the fact that it can be seen as well as experienced by everyone. Human beings base their reality on what can be proved to them by means of physical evidence, not mere theory; it has to be shown to them. This is why visions of time travel are labeled as the dreams of madmen or science fiction writers. People simply cannot grasp concepts such as time travel because they cannot understand that just because things cannot be shown to them, doesn’t mean that they don’t exist.
Modern experiments have proven the existence of time travel. One such experiment proved that a high-speed aircraft could travel into the future. This is known as time dilation. When moving at high speeds, time moves at a slower rate, which proves that time is not a constant in the universe. If we could view a spacecraft traveling near the speed of light, through a high powered telescope, a man inside would appear to have been frozen in time. To him, however, he would be unaffected, and the people on the ground would be moving at a frightening pace. Therefore, when the person who was in this aircraft returned to the ground, he would appear to have traveled into the future. Time dilation, however, only allows us to travel into the future, and not to the past.
The way into the past…Wormholes. Wormholes are the result of a Black hole that has combined with a White hole, end to end. A Black hole is a body from which nothing can escape. On the other hand, a White hole is just the opposite: a body into which nothing can fall. To travel through a wormhole one would enter through the Black hole and exit through the White hole (keep in mind that a person would need to be able to withstand the unimaginable forces of gravity that would surely tear apart the very makeup of anything that was caught in its pull). Wormholes are theorized to be a doorway into the past and future, as well as to alternate universes. Passing through a wormhole, however, is something that man has yet to accomplish. Also, if we were able to pass through a wormhole, we would have no way of controlling when and where we would end up. In addition, we would not know how to get back.
If I could time travel, I feel that I would go into the past. I wouldn’t go into the past to try to prevent such mistakes as the Manhattan Project, or Hitler’s extermination of the Jews, or Napoleon’s conquest over Europe; the consequences of changing things of this kind could be dire, and possibly worse than what our past actually was. No, I would travel back to when I myself was younger. I would give my past self the knowledge of the world that I have today, to better prepare myself for the life that I have yet to live. Be it financial tips, warnings of mistakes that I have made in my adolescence, or relationships that could have been saved or simply made better, I believe that by traveling back through time to see myself, my life now could possibly be much better. Changes to my past, however, may result in the destruction of myself. Who is to say that any drastic change in the past would not completely destroy the future? Creating power and wealth for oneself could create a disaster that is worse than the present condition of the world 100 fold. So would I really travel into the past; that question is perpetually invading my thoughts, making me ponder over the possibilities of my actions.
Time travel is now a possibility, albeit on a very small scale; but are we ready? If we could really time travel in an effective way, could we keep from destroying ourselves? Would a madman travel into the future and retrieve a weapon that is unparalleled by anything that we know and bring it back in an attempt to gain power? Or would a scientist travel into the past and create a change in the evolution of the world? No one can tell what the future holds for us, but that is a good thing. Knowing what the future holds would take all of the fun out of living. The joy of being alive is knowing that the future is wide open; we can mold it to whatever we want, simply by our own actions. Does time travel exist? Yes. Are we ready to wield it? No.
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The end is something that many people often think about, wondering what there is after death. Most people will say that once you die your soul is taken either to heaven or to hell, or even cursed to roam the Earth. Many people may not agree with me on this subject, but I believe that after death there is nothing. I believe there is nothing because I don't believe in a god, or a spirit, or heaven or hell. Nothingness is why religion was created. Man needed something to look forward to after death, because he didn't like the idea of simply not existing after death.
Many believe in a soul because energy can neither be created, nor destroyed. What they forget, however, is that when you are alive your body is kinetic energy, and when you are dead your body is potential energy. The energy still exists, but in a different form.
The end of the world is something a little more complicated. Many different predictions have been made about the end of the world, but the one I believe came from Nostadamus. He predicted the end of the world to be in the year 3797. I don't know why, but I believe this to be the correct year for the end of the world.
The end of the universe is a topic that has been under debate for years. When the universe expanded, gravity was created. As the universe expands more and more, the gravity excerpted on every celestial body becomes greater. The possibility of a closed universe, where the universe will expand to a certain point and then start to collapse on itself, would be an event that would cause our universe to be destroyed. An open universe, where it will expand forever, is another possibility. If the universe were open, the end would be unpredictable. Confirming whether or not the universe is open or closed is still being determined. One thing is for sure though, nothing, except energy, lasts forever.
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You have now reached the end of my theories and explanations for the unknown, I shall leave you with these words of wisdom, "If you are ever on fire, don't look in a mirror, you might start to panic."
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What you have just read is nothing more than my personal opinions/beliefs. Some may find what i have said to be a little far fetched or maybe even offensive, but i live in America where I am free to express my beliefs, and that is all that I am doing. Agree or disagree, let me know what you think by e-mailing me at
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