Jill Parsons (maiden name Plumridge)

September 2002


I have been researching the name Plumridge/Plumbridge/Plummeridge and other variants for some years and have traced my own family tree back to the late 1700s. I am very keen to make contact with other researchers and particularly interested to track down cousins! (My father was the youngest of 13 children and there must be a large number of cousins out there that I do not know about.)

I was born in Southall, Middlesex, England in 1951 to parents Frederick and Gladys Plumridge. My grandparents were Alfred and Ann Plumeridge. My father was born in 1903 in Acton and my grandfather and several previous generations were from Hammersmith, London.

Whilst my own ancestors appear to have been quite sedentary in Hammersmith I am interested in the name anywhere.  I record all references to the PLUMRIDGE name and have a massive database of PLUMRIDGEs, mostly in Buckinghamshire and Berkshire but also some in other English counties, also Australia and Canada. If you have any interest in the PLUMRIDGE name please contact me as I would love to hear from you and there is a strong chance that I may be able to help you with your family tree.

Jill Parsons
