Geeks for Jesus Internet Ministry

Welcome to the Geeks for Jesus Internet Ministry web site. The primary purpose of this site is simple: to show that one can be both intelligent and a strong Christian at the same time. This will be done in a variety of ways. Perhaps the most valuable for now will be links to other sites which can be valuable in the areas of apologetics, spiritual life, theology, Christian philosophy, culture, Christian resource sites, or other areas which may be of interest to academically inclined Christians or those interested in learning more about the intellectual side of Christianity.

A second function of this site is to serve as a means to publish on-line works by the members of the Geeks for Jesus Internet Ministry. The range will be from highly academic to essays junior high students should be able to follow. (We will try to rank the pieces on this page so you will know before you jump in.) There will also be everything from academic theology papers to short stories (some of which will basically be just for fun).

Geeks for Jesus Internet Ministries was begun on a whim by a bored graduate student in July of 1999. This graduate student was frustrated that the work he had done and the work done by other young Christians did not see the light of day because of the nature of the publishing industry. After much pressure from friends to put up a web site, he was finally bored enough one day in the summer to do it. But, rather than making himself the focus of the site, he decided to turn it into a ministry.

The first few links are to other recommended sites on the Web. The later links are for original content to be found only on this site.

Christian Research Institute: an apologetic ministry which specializes in cults and aberrant teachings
LeadershipU: a site sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ which has many interesting articles and features designed to appeal to Christians with intellectual tendencies
AlphaOmega Ministries: our favorite apologetics ministry
Intellectual Christian Geek: a blog by a fellow Geek for Jesus
World magazine: the online version of the news magazine which reports from a conservative Christian perspective
Christian Book Distributors: Are you searching for a Christian book? This is the place to look.
Christianity Online: The online service of Christianity Today. The home base for over 200 ministries.
Community, Society and Religion: An early version of a paper about civil religion.
A Letter to Tom: A short story in the form of a letter that some people, at least, seem to like.
A Toy Story: A short story whose only similarity to the movie is that the toys talk.
All Instruments Tuned to God: A short non-scholarly essay about church unity.
Social Justice: A short sermon-like work on social justice.
When the Glass Breaks: A short essay on human suffering.
The Darkness: A short story with some disturbing themes. Even though it was written before 9/11, there are some things which may cause one to think.


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