DHARMA PRATHISTANA [r],  a non religious, non profit making organisation, a Registered Charitable Trust, being registered in Bangalore and operating in BHARATH i.e. India, having a vision for the Humankind spread across the Globe.




DHARMA PRATHISTANA [r] hence forth be known as, the Organisation in these papers, is a National Icon for Renaissance in Ancient Bharathiya [Indian] Culture, Vedic Wisdom & Knowledge, Organic Agriculture, Ayurvedic system of Medicine, Yogic & Spiritual way of Life for the human kind spread across the universe, in general and for the Indians in particular.




Every nation has a specific purpose and a mission to complete in order to grow to its full potentiality and BHARATH i.e. India’s Mission in the globe is to spiritually evolve the human kind and to inculcate Values in the mankind so that mankind shall lead a conflict free life with spiritual wisdom and material abundance.


Hence it is necessary to create a Strong and Vibrant India and a powerful, abundant Indian society to remove poverty, conflict, tension and suffering from the face of the Mother Earth.




Let BHARATH i.e. India, become strong to usher in peace, prosperity to the whole of the universe. The Bharathiaya [Indian] values inculcated by Indians first, secondly by the Indian Diaspora across the globe and by one and all interested in achieving peace and prosperity [inner and outer] in their day to day life.



Man in his quest to become simple has become highly complicated. He is supposed to be the most intelligent, hence the custodian of nature; but he has become highly exploitative and, greed has become the driving force in his day-to-day actions.

The Organisation strongly believes that the nature has every potential to protect itself and to work in such a manner so as to take care of the whole of human kind and all of the living organisms.

The food for both MIND and body has become highly toxic & poisonous in today’s break neck speed of life; the current method of food production is detrimental to the very existence of life on the Mother Earth. Lack of understanding and apathy to spirituality has caused the collapse of moral values in life.

The Organaisation wants to provide Eternal Values to the Changing Human Society and to inculcate these values in young boys and girls, irrespective of their Caste, Colour, Creed or Religion. In fact the organisation envisages itself above all such divisions among human beings and wants to remove discriminations based on these dogmas.


YOUTH are the centrality of this change and tool for the vision of the Organisation, for,

  • They are the torchbearers for the posterity.
  • They are the wealth of each nation, hence for the humankind.
  • They are ready to accept the changed direction and implement practically in their life for the betterment of the life itself.



An Organic Agricultural Institute would be set up to train Youth to obtain the knowledge of Bharathiya system of Food Production based on Parashara Sutras in Agriculture, which in modern days is generally known as Organic Agriculture. Cow is the centrality of the project.


An Institute for Ayurveda to 1) Prevent the diseases and 2) Overcome the diseases, based on Charakasamhitha and Sushrutha chikithsa would be established. Cow is the centrality of the project.


The need for managing the crisis and finding solutions in any given tedious situations without stress and struggle, Indian way of developing Spiritual Quotient along with the Emotional Quotient based on strong family bond and applying Intelligent Quotient the Indian way has been the most successful and proven. An institute is being established and dedicated to the society.


An institute based on Yoga Vasishta is being planned to manage stress and strain in day-to-day life and an institute for the purpose would be started. Cow is the centrality of the project.


Respected Shri Kaipa S Seshadri, the Chairman of the Trust, who is the exponent of Akshara Vidya and who has a unique way of understanding and explaining Vedas and its original meaning, i.e., of Shruthis. He is the Spiritual Head of the Organisation.

 Eminent Organic Farmer, Shri Varthur L Narayana Reddy, of international fame shall head the Institute for Organic Agricultural Sciences.

 Famous Ayurveda Exponent, Dr. Kumaraswamy, shall be instrumental in establishing the Institute for Ancient Indian System of Medicines.

 Dr. Srivatsa, the Management Expert shall lead the team in establishing the International Institute for Management.

 Shrimathi Dharma Somashekar, shall lead team in establishing the institute for Yoga & Meditation.


The Organisation established on 8th of May 2003, has already acquired 50 Acres of land, with abundant water resource and adjacent to pristine forest to establish GOSHALAS and for other activities mentioned above. The Organisation is in a process to further acquire additional land of about 50 Acres adjacent to the existing one, to implement its vision document.

Cleaning of 50 acres of land without damaging the soil has taken with immediate effect just before this rainy season and fodder is being grown for establishing the GOSHALAs, which is the first step in achieving the AIMs of the Organisation.