Religio Romana

Salvete and Welcome to the Official Webpage for

The Gens Vrsa!


The GENS VRSA was created in an effort to foster a link between the various European reconstructionist movements. In the GENS VRSA we wish to promote the tolerence for religious expression the Romans were known for. The GENS VRSA will be expressing those currents of Western spirituality relevent and with verifiable historical links to ancient Rome. Thus our patron deities: Janus, Mithras, and Sol Invictus. This being stated however, in the GENS VRSA, every effort will be made to make not only followers of the Religio Romana feel welcome, but Hellenists, and those interested in all aspects of pan-European religions and cultures as well. As far as Western spirituality goes, we are all-inclusive. Our attitude in regard to Pagan reconstructionism in general is based in part on the writings of the Italian philosopher Julius Evola. Those involved in the modern Pagan and European reconstructionist movements, be they Roman, Hellenic or otherwise, would be wise to seek out Julius Evola's writings, specifically his commentary entitled, "Against the Neo-Pagans". His hard-hitting criticism on earlier efforts at pagan reconstructionism should provide a wave of much needed common sense and realism to the sea of wishful thinking so rampant in the modern Pagan movement. A link to an edifying site devoted to Julius Evola can be found at It's well worth a look for serious seekers. The GENS VRSA is also heavily influenced and representative of warrior spirituality and the warrior path. This facet of our Gens' character can readily be seen in our patron deities of Mithras and Sol Invicus, who both exhibit strong warrior traits. The GENS VRSA believes the modern so-called "pagan" movement is strong on warmed over 1960's "flower power" and short on common sense. Part of this common sense relates to the reality of war in human society. While not war-mongers, the GENS VRSA does aknowledge war's place in the scope of human society. The ancient Romans who Nova Roma attempts to emulate had a valid perspective on war as well if recorded history is any indication.
The GENS VRSA web page is divided into several sections including, The War Room, where topics of a martial nature will be discussed, the Temple Room, where religious matters will be covered, and the Map Room, where Western Culture in general will be expounded upon. Within each room you will find links to related sites which you may visit if that particular topic proves to be of your interest. The GENS VRSA welcomes all serious input, whether it be from Nova Roma citizens or other interested parties. Please feel free to E-mail us! We at the GENS VRSA like to think of Nova Roma as a viable alternative to the degenerate, decaying modern world. You will therefore not see the vulgar and irreverant material so common in all forms of media today, and the internet in general.

We also suggest visiting Comunità Odinista, A Website of Odinists from Northern Italy

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