Brief History of the World of Tartis
The world is commonly known as Tartis. It is the year 7,556 A.A. (After the Arrival)
according to the common calendar (a Dwarven calendar that has eventually been
accepted by pretty much everyone).
Over the last 7 millennia there have been rises and falls of many civilizations
and cultures. It is believed that 4,000 years ago there was an age of science
where magic was all but forgotten, this age is said to have been ended by a
great number wars between various peoples. Since that time magic has waxed and wained in levels of acceptance. Currently magic is on the
rise again, though still consider a weird discipline and magic-users are still
not trusted widely especially in small communities.
About 2,000 years ago the world began going through an ice-age to which is has
just within the last 200 years come out of with the glaciers receding.
The common history of the "beginning" of the world is as follows.
In the beginning the world of Tartis was inhabited by
only humans and lizardfolk. The
humans controled much of the arable land while the lizardfolk lived in the dense forest and remote islands.
(Many human scholars discount this idea and believe that lizardfolk
showed up as the same time the other races did.) Humans at that time were just
beginning to develop culture, agriculture, and metal working. Then in year 0
A.A. it is said that the other races were brought into the world of Tartis.
Most races have various religious beliefs on this and the time before. Many
believe that originally they were from paradise worlds of their own and they
were brought to this world for various reasons. The dwarves believe it is
punishment for some wrong done, the elves believe it is an opportunity to
explore other places, the goblinoids blame the
dwarves, the orcs blame the elves, the gnomes believe a great catastrophy occured, the halfling just think it was what was suppose to happen.
Legends say that some races were altered by this "new" world. Some
folktales tell of stories of trolls that were only as big as orcs, who later
grew to the monstrous sizes they are now know to be.
Legends also tell that many of the strange monsters in the world are the result
of powerful magic-users experimenting on creatures or calling them from
distance worlds.
A small village located on the North-West edge of the
The majority of the population of
Saltwater Tribe
A tribe of lizardfolk who live at the mouth of the
Unmated adult males tend to live just outside of the tribe hoping to be choosen by a female. Often these males will fight each
other in hopes of impressing the females, though females do not always choose
the strongest male, sometimes they choose other characteristics (guile,
cunning, stealth, etc). Occasionally older unmated males and disillusioned
young unmated males may go on raiding parties against other groups of
The tribe is protect by several shaman and their giant
saltwater crocodile companions. These shaman and their power magics are part of the reason why Glendagild
has not tried to claim the village and the area around it.
The tribe occasionally trades with the villages on the
The lizardfolk of the Saltwater
tribe rarely offer aid to others, believing that each group should survive as
best they can. Though they may occasional trade for services.
Individuals that aid the tribe in times of need though are treated with great
honor (even males).