Academic Recognition by "WHO’S WHO IN THE WORLD"

Included in the 16th edition of Marquis WHO’S WHO IN THE WORLD 1999 biographical reference book, published in Dec. 1998.
Who’s Who in the World is a comprehensive directory of the biographies of international outstanding people in a wide range of professions and geographic locations. Each biography details an individual’s accomplishments for the use of educators, administrators, researchers and library patrons.
The 16th edition of Who’s Who in the World recognizes individuals distinguished by their achievements and positions throughout the world. The 16th edition compiles the profiles of 40,000 individuals out of 6.2 billions people in the world - a process that limits the distinction to one in every 155,000 individuals on the face of the global.
Included in the 17th edition of Marquis WHO’S WHO IN THE WORLD 2000 as well as in the 5th edition of Marquis WHO’S WHO IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2000-2001 biographical reference books.

16th edition of Marquis WHO’S WHO IN THE WORLD 1999

[1]From "WEST-GERMANY NEWSPAPER", Bochum Information, W BO 2, Number 184, Tuesday, 10 August 1999."

"WESTDEUTSCHE ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG", Bochumer Anzeiger, W BO 2, Number 184, Dienstag, 10 August 1999."

[2] From Newspaper of "Ruhr University Bochum Nr. 44, 1 June 1999."

RUBENS Nachrichten, Berichte und Meinungen aus der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Nr. 44, 1. Juni 1999."

[3]From Newspaper of "Ruhr Nachrichten Nr. 95, Saturday, 24 April 1999"

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