
2/23/01 - I am officially announcing my retirement from the Realmz universe. I will keep this site up for fun, but as I have not been able to offer anybody any advice on how to beat my scenarios in the last 6 months, I don't think I'm going to start again any time soon. Enjoy the scenarios. You are on your own!

7/17/00 - Lots of morons keep sending me email asking for Realmz registration codes. I will not dignify you with a response. All I meant was my scenarios can be played for free on a REGISTERED (ie paid for) copy of Realmz. Don't ask me for codes. Realmz is a good program and you should pay for it!

3/30/00 - Fixed the options on the form page so people stop asking for codes (download the new updated scenario!) Also, found a hint book that I had made a long time ago at the old site (which I changed to direct people here, finally, after I rememberd the password).

3/4/00 - The clean up I did of ES1.5 introduced a powerful new bug that made it impossible to finish.  A few loyal viewers discovered it, and ES1.6 should fix it.  Sorry about that.

1/23/00 - It's been a while, but I've finally updated a few things.  I removed the registration points for the scenarios and updated the underground levels for the newer 7.x Realmz.  Enjoy!

8/16/99 - Updated the old scenarios and made them available for download. Not much has changed except many, many typos. Added a little help section.

7/26/99 - Added several screen shots under the Geopgraphy section

7/22/99 - Added a Form for bug reports and reg codes requests. It has even seen a little use! Joined the webring too.

7/21/99 - The Page grows. No screenshots yet and some of the links are still not functional. Graphics are badly needed, but it's not bad for one day. It took god six to make the ultimate webpage.

7/20/99 - Prometheus has been released from his prison imposed on him by the gods. He is ready and willing to accept your offerings, comments and requests for the all knowing registration codes.

Downloads (for Realmz 7.x)

Elemental Strife 1.6 (636K)
Journey into the Mire 1.1 (267K)
No More Scenario Registration!!

The Library of Lore

The History of Crosswald
Before the Strife
The Era of Elemental Strife
The Search (orJourney into the Mire)
The Terror of Chromos
Legends of Crosswald
Elemental Strife
Journey into the Mire
Chromos' Lair
The Domain of Fire
The Mire
Atop the Mountains
Elemental Strife Hint Book

Help! I don't understand any of this!


Realmz, Divinity
The Divinity Guild (mailing list)
Pray to Prometheus (codes, bugs, comments)

Realmz Ring 


Contact Prometheus here

Last updated 7/21/99