ktfl 's Home Page on Law Librarianship
Library-Related Links
- Discovering Librarianship
An essay I recently wrote about how hard it has been to find information about librarians and the library profession, and how the Internet has changed that. It introduces my goals for this section, and for the whole site in general.
- AcqWeb
From Vanderbilt University Law Library. An excellent resource for librarians, especially in acquisitions. It features links to publishers, journals, and articles on the latest topics.
- LibraryLand
From Ramapo Catskill Library System. This features a collection of resources on areas ranging from administration and collection development to circulation. Lots of journals and discussion sites.
- Librarians' Index to the Internet
Founded and maintained by Carole Leita and operated on the Digital Library SunSITE. This has a lot of links in a variety of subjects. Check out the "For Librarians" link under the heading "Libraries."
- Library Science Links
From Joel Ettinger, a classmate of mine in the Library Science Department at SCSU, featuring links to organizations, library schools, and topics of interest in library science. He also has Internet tutorials and genealogy links on his other pages; the links are on the site I've linked.
- American Association of Law Libraries Homepage
Information about law librarianship, membership in the organization, publications for the group for law librarians.
- Library Link
Discussions, articles, and a free online journal on library-related matters. Membership is free by submitting an online form.
- The Fate of the Library
An interesting article about libraries in the age of the Internet. Published by The American Prospect magazine.
- Why You Should Bow Down and Worship a Librarian
From Erica Olsen. I think this is a great way of looking at librarians (but maybe I'm biased). We have more power than non-librarians realize!
- The Lipstick Librarian
From Linda Absher. This site has been around for a while, and I think it's a hilarious spoof of the image of the female librarian. Have some fun with it.
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