Welcome to the Home Page for Alumni of
Leigh High School
of San Jose, CA

Established September, 1999

Reunions, etc.

Keeping in Touch

Message Board

Mystery Alumni

Class Of 70 Roster

Email Us

This web site is intended to help Leigh High grads keep in touch with each other.

We don't necessarily want to be the ONLY web site for Leigh alumni. We hope there are other sites out there that we can provide links to and that will link to this site. That will increase the number of potential visitors and expand our alumni network.

But we DO want to be the BEST alumni web site, and for that we're counting on you!

We need your input to help us make this a fun place to visit. Tell us what you like about this site. Send us your ideas and suggestions for improving this site in terms of content, format, features, etc. Provide us with news about you and other alumni. We need your help in keeping this site current with events, news, etc.!

Ever want to know what ever happened to so-and-so? Let us ask the question for you -- or post it yourself on the Message Board.

Do you own your own business and have a web presence? Send us your banner or URL along with your name and a description of your business and we will set up a link to your site.


You must register with the Leigh High Alumni Page to be able to use the Message Board. You will recieve your password by email.

What is your name?

Class Of?

E-mail address?