Welcome to Philip Street

Photo by George Gregory

We are very glad you've found Philip Street Chapel on the Web. We would be delighted to welcome you in person if you are ever in Bristol. Our meetings are open to all, but please feel free to contact the Pastor or Secretary if you would like specific information. Even if you won't be able to visit us we would love to hear from you: please sign our guestbook or E-mail us.

The church family which meets at Philip Street is made up of people of all ages and backgrounds who enjoy a personal relationship with God through the Lord Jesus Christ.

We are an independent Baptist church affiliated to the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (FIEC). We believe the Bible to be the word of God, therefore true and meaningful to all generations and in all situations. We preach and teach the Bible because through it, God speaks to us today.

Philip Street Chapel
Philip Street, Bedminster
Bristol BS3 4EA

Phone (0117) 966 4572
Pastor: Rev. Roger Page (01275) 892847
Alternative contact: Neil Briggs (0117) 9714210

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