Captain, 14th Brooklyn

Bob Duffy

I portray a Captain of the 14th "Brooklyn" Infantry Regiment, New York State Militia (84th New York Volunteer Infantry), detached to assist in the smooth administration of camp headquarters. The regiment existed before the war (as part of the State Militia) and became the 84th NYVI when it entered government service. Known as the "Brooklyn Zouaves" or "Red Legs", experienced officers of the regiment were often assigned to a volunteer camp to assist the newly-commissioned officers with the details of logistics and the proper understanding of the finer points of military regulations.I was priviliged to have served as a Major, commanding the 2nd Internal Security Battalion of the 14th Regiment, New York State Militia. This was my highest position, but I was also on the regimental staff for several years as well as having been headquarters company commander when a captain. This gives me a unique perspective on the administrative problems faced by volunteer officers in the Civil War.

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