Reenacting the European Perspective of the American Civil War

Meet our Members Writings, Histories, and Links

Société d'Europe
is an organization of reenactors that brings the Civil War to life by showing the age-old relationship between America and Europe. As many researchers, reenactors, and historians delve into the minutiae of the great conflict, our organization looks at the larger, global ramifications. European military technology had a profound impact on the American War, from Enfield rifles to kepi hats. Europe watched the "Great Experiment" of democracy seem to fall apart in America, while new nations like Italy became united! The great powers of Europe were also concerned about their colonies in Canada, Alaska, Mexico, and South America. To get first-hand information on what was happening in America, most nations sent Military Observers. Many of our members portray foreign officers, official and unofficial, observing the war. We also have members who portray notable political figures such as Mrs. Lincoln, and other members who portray military figures like General Grant and Colonel Joshua Chamberlain. We aspire to show that both Americans and Europeans were aware of what was happening on both continents through newspapers and journals of the period. The 1860s were the time of Lincoln and Lee, but also of Garibaldi, Victor Hugo, Bismarck, Queen Victoria, Verdi, Wagner, and Napoleon III. We hope you enjoy our web site; we will endeavor to add new information and expand its scope.

If you would like to comment on the site or get more information about the Société, please contact us via email at or via regular mail at Société d'Europe, P.O. Box 724, Seabrook, NH 03874. Thank you!


Société d'Europe
Some of our Members

(P Raffenello)
5th Regt of Grenadiers
Italian Observer

(S Mummey)
Mary Todd Lincoln
First Lady

(F Campisano)
39th NY Volunteer Infantry

(T Thompson)
Régiment Étranger
(French Foreign Legion)

(P McGourty)
Jefferson Davis
President of the Confederacy

(G. v Rothenburg)
Prussian Observer

(J Mathews)
Bvt Maj Ian McKay
Royal British
Corps of Engineers,
British Observer

(J Rodriguez)
Artist / Correspondent

for Harper's Weekly

Hauptmann v. Krohllen
Prussian Observer

(P Chetwynd)
Abraham Lincoln
U.S. President

(J Pereira)
British Officer

(J Coletti)
Presidential Guard

(C McGillicuddy)
Rev. H. C. Leonard

Chaplain, 3rd Maine

(J Gallant)
German Observer

(B Duffy)
Captain, 14th Brooklyn

(C Veit)
Lieutenant, U.S. Navy

(C Venturi)

(J Rodriguez)
Sergeant, 114 Pennsylvania Zouaves
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(V Ervine)
Susan B. Anthony
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Col. Joshua Chamberlain
20th Maine
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(L Golding)
Atherton Clark,
20th Maine
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(C Kamps)
Col. Sir H. Flashman,
British Envoy
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(N Ervine)
Allan Pnkerton,

(Wilhelm D. Runk)
Hauptmann, Co. "B",
39th NYVI


Société d'Europe
Writings, Histories, Links, and Miscellany

Links within the Society's Website

"What in the World" -- News of the World 1858-1864

"What in the USA" -- News of the U.S. 1858-1864

The Battle of Solferino

39th NY Volunteer Infantry ("Garibaldi Guards")

Special Interest

Book List

Links on the Web

The U.S. Civil War Center

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Our pages are constantly "under construction" as members add information about their characters or links to related web sites. Therefore, some of the photos on this opening page don't yet connect to additional information. If the person's name under a photo shows as a link, then that picture is "live" and clicking on it will take you to a page with more information about that person or character.

Many of the words and phrases used by our members to describe either their clothing or their character may be unfamiliar to modern readers. In hopes of clarifying some of the more confusing points, a separate "Words & Phrases" page is available either by selecting it from the list above or by clicking on a "live" word within a description or story on the individual pages. If you run across something that you think ought to have an explanation (and we've missed it), please send an email and we'll add it to the page. Thanks!

If you would like to comment on the site or get more information about the Societe,
please contact us via email at or via regular mail at
Societe d'Europe, P.O. Box 724, Seabrook, NH 03874
Thank you!

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