Welcome to Megan's Home Page

"Work like you don't need money.

Love like you've never been hurt.

And dance like no one's watching."

A tribute to Murphy

Meet the newest member of our family-Scarlett!

Stuff about me...

I live in Washington, DC!

I have also lived in San Diego, CA and the North End of Boston where I moved after attending Boston College.

I grew up in New Britain, CT, home of Stanley Works!

I work at NACUA. I recently quit Pottery Barn, but I still love their stuff!

You can look at some pictures below.

I added some new pictures. Click on Uncle Rich and Mom to see them!

Did you take my Birkenstocks poll?

email me:ladyefrog@aol.com

You are visitor number since February 8, 1998.

Check out these sites...

Boston College Alumni Club of Washington, DC

American Repertory Theatre




Breyla Children's Clothing

Hand of Tezuan

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See What Other People Wrote

this page was last updated July 2, 2001

© 2001 ladyefrog@aol.com

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