Fieldhouse Four

This site is on the ROMAN CATHOLIC WEBRING


This site is constantly under construction!!


A fieldhouse is a place for athletes to gather to get ready. And in this race of life that we all must run (see Paul's letter to the Corinthians), it's good to have a place to go where you can prepare. A place that you can grab a little FAITH, share a little FELLOWSHIP, make some new FRIENDS, and have a little FUN!!!


Have You Seen Shuey?

Who is Shuey, you ask? Well, Shuey is a nickname I have for Yeshua ben Joseph (Jesus' Hebrew name)! Here in the Fieldhouse we believe that not only did Jesus save us by dying for our sins, and not only did He rise and conquer that death, and not only that He will come again in glory; but He walks with us today and leads us in the way of His Truth. If you have encountered our Savior, and our Friend, then click on the "icthus" (symbol of belief) below and tell the Coach your story. He may put it up in the Fieldhouse. If you want to read stories of possibilities, then click on the spinning icthus. Or, read a cool poem by Fr. Tony Ricard,Th.M that will truly make you think about how we look at everyone we encounter.

Tell your story!

Read stories of possibilities!

Read Fr. Tony's poem!


"The Flight of the Sparrow"

(A special tribute to a special soul)


This place is dynamically constructed by:

Earl (coachums) Gervais

May all who enter the Fieldhouse come in with a heart as one of these (see Mk. 10:15).

Graphic by Brandi Jasmine


Earl Gervais, (or Coach Earl as he is often referred to), has been on the path of Catholic Christian Education since 1984. Actually since 1974 if you don't limit Catholic Education to Catholic Schools. This path has found him teaching and coaching and even sitting in the desk as a principal, but we won't go there because, let's just say that is another story for another time. Currently Coach Earl has just finished his work, Travels With Micaiah: Some Stories the Bible Didn't Tell. He hopes to have it published soon. If you would like to contact the Coach you can do so at:


There are no coincidences.

God has seen to that!

Fieldhouse Requirement:

As athletes enter or leave the fieldhouse, they must touch (not literally of course) the motto.


From time to time you will see all manners of Krazy Kathholics (some real, and some just figments of your spirituality) popping in and out of the Fieldhouse. They are here to light the fires of your heart, to challenge the way you look at the world, and hopefully to help your soul's eyes to see God's hand in all things.

 The term Katholic is derived from the two Greek roots katha, and holos, when together refer to "welcoming all."



The contractor of this place does not bear any responsibility for spirituality imparted, received, or challenged as a result of encounters with any of the aforementioned characters. Nor does the management of the fieldhouse take responsibility for any deepening of faith from time spent actively involved in fieldhouse activities.




TO: the CLASS of '98




Do you have any idea of what being a champion is all about? Well if you want a little insight take a moment and click on the runner. See what Coach Earl thinks about it!


To see more of the cool graphics found in the fieldhouse

Click on helpful computer above!


Some of the graphics found in the Fieldhouse came courtesy of:


 Click on the letter to reach any of the Fieldhouse Staff (Coach Earl, Brother Reeves, Guigo, or Coach Mel), and they will get back to you ASAP.


 This is a Roman Catholic Website owned by

Earl (Coachums)Gervais

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Click on the little monk below!