Dress code at Harvest Bible Church


What shall we wear when we attend HBC? 


We ask that all those in attendance refrain from wearing flip-flops, shorts, and/or tank tops. We ask that women dress modestly without reflecting the low moral standards of our culture (1 Peter 3:3-6) and showing as little skin as possible. Our pastor wears a shirt and tie (and sometimes a jacket), but other leaders who are not in the public eye at church are free to wear blue jeans that are in keeping with tasteful standards. Children are free to wear shorts. Though the summers are hot outside, it is always cool inside where the worship service takes place.


Our goal is not to “police” what people wear but to simply look appropriate for our time of worship together. Oftentimes someone else’s attire can distract attention from our task of worship. We simply ask that you respect the goal of our time together – the worship of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.