"TurtleBoy" - 05/17/99 03:34:26 My URL:/Paris/Maison/8118 My Email:dantesprayer@yahoo.com Favorite Forum: anything and everything - music, nature, (sorry, Anime ppls - I no have cable!) but Vampire D rox! Least Favorite: umm....Quantum Physics and Calculus Why (Lines 4 and 5): well, stuff is kewl, and stuff sux. I dunno Your Favorite TV show/Anime/Cartoon/Movie: umm.TV - not sure...not really anything (I am a boring kinda guy, I prefer talking and hanging out!) | Comments: Hey there, ZoriZor. sMiLe |
Alexis - 04/09/99 23:27:16 My Email:algee@uswest.net Your Favorite TV show/Anime/Cartoon/Movie: Voltron | Comments: This site kicks! I'm in need of a couple e-mail buds, so if you're interested, e-mail me! Laters! Alexis |
Sunshine! - 11/20/98 22:04:40 My URL:nope, too lazy My Email:sunnytorment@hotmail.com How can I make this site better: get more of your links up! Or whatever they are. | Comments: Hey, it looks like you've got some fans here! I'm amazed by anyone who can make a website, but this one is really cool. Gotta love Trixie Turnpike! ---Jen |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Karen - 09/28/98 03:02:29 My URL:i don't got one right now My Email:Karenpotsdambear@yahoo.com Favorite Forum: everything Why (Lines 4 and 5): because it is really cool and it gives everyone who sees and reads it a feeling for the person known as Zorina Your Favorite TV show/Anime/Cartoon/Movie: Looney Tunes, Thundercats, Space Ghost coast to coast, JQTRA, South Park, Friends, Drew Carey, Dharma and Greg, etc. etc. Forums you would like to see: i'll have to get back to you on that one How can I make this site better: frequent flier miles | Comments: Zorina Skye: You rock! To think we go to the same college, went to high school's near each other. Who knows what the furture holds for anyone. You just ROCK!! Love ya, Karen "Karebear" |
World's Greatest Trout Hunter - 09/18/98 10:27:38 My Email:lampmank@nimo.com Your Favorite TV show/Anime/Cartoon/Movie: Northwest Passage | Comments: |
Star Singer - 08/25/98 22:20:33 My Email:dragonfire.me@dlcewst.com Favorite Forum: all of the above Least Favorite: none of the above or below Why (Lines 4 and 5): BECAUSE I SAID SO!!! Your Favorite TV show/Anime/Cartoon/Movie: destruction flics and most any toon Forums you would like to see: the void How can I make this site better: don't listen to psychos like myself | Comments: Very swanky page you have here. It's very colourful and well thought out. If you're really lucky though the Sorceress might visit you. Well Here's hoping. |
Star Singer - 08/25/98 22:16:16 My Email:dragonfire.me@dlcewst.com Favorite Forum: all of the above Least Favorite: none of the above or below Why (Lines 4 and 5): BECAUSE I SAID SO!!! Your Favorite TV show/Anime/Cartoon/Movie: destruction flics and most any toon Forums you would like to see: the void How can I make this site better: don't listen to psychos like myself | Comments: |
Jennifer Teel - 08/24/98 08:03:29 My Email:kasei_5@hotmail.com Favorite Forum: The Full moon Least Favorite: not one Your Favorite TV show/Anime/Cartoon/Movie: Sailor moon, Ranma 1/2, Tenchi Muyo and Doctor Who, Red Dwarf. | Comments: I just read chapter one of Awakenings and i love it! I can't wait to read your other fics. I would love to see you try a Ranma fic, your one of the best writers out there! Jennifer |
Auston - 08/20/98 15:21:49 My URL:http://www.neptune.on.ca/~dmacin My Email:Xena Warrior Princess, and Hercules Your Favorite TV show/Anime/Cartoon/Movie: Sailor Moon, 3rd Rock From The Sun, Star Trek, How can I make this site better: put more stuff on it, other then that its Prefect! | Comments: I really like the background for thhis, site its way cool keep it up! Love, Auston |
TurtleSlow - 08/16/98 18:04:59 My URL:http://YOU KNOW IT< SILLY!! My Email:you.know.it.silly.com Favorite Forum: huh? Least Favorite: see line 4 Why (Lines 4 and 5): because because because because...because of the wonderful things (s)he does Your Favorite TV show/Anime/Cartoon/Movie: no time for TV - college drains time like you wouldn't believe Forums you would like to see: huh again??? How can I make this site better: explain vocab to us 'puter illiterate ppls, what's up with the pink and ablue wallpaper??? gack*barf**** | Comments: *teeheehee* it is the sloppy sobbing rayon shirt bandit, out to find your webpages and mark them with the "mark of SNORRO" *teeheehee* ttfn me |
Lyan Zeta (Lion) - 08/08/98 02:31:31 My URL:http://members.xoom.com/notlion/ My Email:Notlion1@aol.com Favorite Forum: Full Moon Over Arus Why (Lines 4 and 5): I can't help it, I love Voltron. And that reminds me, I have to get back on VBETA one of these days... I finally linked ya, Zor ^_^ Your Favorite TV show/Anime/Cartoon/Movie: TV Show: TNG; ANIME: 3x3 EYES + Voltron; CARTOON: Road Rovers; MOVIE: Er... the Lethal Weapon movies ^_^ Forums you would like to see: Star Trek Next Gen? Maybe someday... How can I make this site better: uurr.... aah.... fix the minor grammatical errors? | Comments: Wheeee. ^_^. Let we all webmeisters unite and rule the universe! Says I! Read Peter David's novels! ~Lion |
Jayyne - 08/07/98 21:27:57 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~impression98 My Email:scoop_honey@hotmail.com Your Favorite TV show/Anime/Cartoon/Movie: Sailor Moon | Comments: Now there's a new way to experience your favorite anime...Anime Impressions style! Anime Impressions is in the process of making radio plays for your favorite fanfics, Sailor Moon, Slayers, Rayearth, and many more! But Anime Impressions needs YOU to help make it happen. We need people for important jobs like voice acting and reviewing fanfics...maybe YOUR fanfic will be chosen for our next RealAudio Radio Play! Of course, if you don't want a job, you can always ju t visit and enjoy the site! Anime Impressions..."turning your favorite fanfiction into a RealAudio Experience!" ![]() Anime Impressions |
Tammy Fischer-Leerhoff - 08/07/98 20:57:52 My URL:/Area51/Nebula/6551/ My Email:Tamysan7@aol.com Favorite Forum: hmm..I like bout everything Least Favorite: no comment! Why (Lines 4 and 5): why? Just because! Your Favorite TV show/Anime/Cartoon/Movie: Voltron, Robotech, any well-done anime, movie musicals, dramas, Space Ghost Coast to Coast, spoofs, anti-heroes/villians (good looking ones that is), Nick At Nite, Cartoon Network Forums you would like to see: no preference really..the more the better How can I make this site better: It's great!!! | Comments: You asked me, aaaand I did it! Signed your guestbook, that is! May you live long and prosper(more or less) and keep up the great work! Your site's really nice..(gee, I wonder who did the graphics? hehheh...) |
Tammy Fischer-Leerhoff - 08/07/98 20:54:44 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Nebula/6551/ My Email:Tamysan7@aol.com Favorite Forum: hmm..I like bout everything Least Favorite: no comment! Why (Lines 4 and 5): why? Just because! Your Favorite TV show/Anime/Cartoon/Movie: Voltron, Robotech, any well-done anime, movie musicals, dramas Forums you would like to see: no preference really..the more the better How can I make this site better: It's great!!! | Comments: You asked me, aaaand I did it! Signed your guestbook, that is! May you live long and prosper(more or less) and keep up the great work! Your site's really nice..(gee, I wonder who did the graphics? hehheh...) |
Zorina Skye - 08/07/98 19:45:04 My URL:non-applicable My Email:zorina@dreamscape.com Favorite Forum: The Symposium! Least Favorite: not sure yet probably the ones I haven't posted yet because I'm not able to recieve your feed back on them Why (Lines 4 and 5): Because I can Your Favorite TV show/Anime/Cartoon/Movie: Voltron (duh) and Sailro Moon, Space Ghost Coast to Coast JQ, JQ TRA.. Life in the ER, Heart Sergeon How can I make this site better: I can add more forums in prgress and build an upcoming site to let you know what is coming | Comments: I have put a lot of work into this site and hope to continue to do so.. please if you want to know when this site has been changed let me know by adding yourself to the update list or by e-mailing me.. I'll add you manually! |