Deetz's Web Page

Deetz's Page

Due to popular request, I've finally taken time out from my busy schedule of sleeping, eating, sleeping, creating litter sculptures, sleeping, and eating to update my page. Enjoy!

My vital statistics:

Favorite Foods:

Favorite Activities:


Well, my Mom inflicted another cat upon me. She's kind of cute, but a real pain. Goldie likes to come over and lick my head for a while--it's a really sweet, fuzzy, cuddly, Norman Rockwell-type moment...until she chomps on my ear. We then start wrestling...I usually win. Then I'll walk away and she'll delicately bite my back leg from behind. Hmph! Of course, we only fight at night...daytime is for sleeping! It's best when we can chase each other through the apartment at top speed to show our parents how fast we can run. Anytime after 12 p.m. is a good time to start the show....

Thanks for visiting!


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