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Hi, I am Tamas Kocsondi,
31. I'm licensed as HA1RW since 1983. My QTH is Keszthely, on Lake Balaton, Hungary.
Dxing, IOTA hunting and CW-mode are my main concerns. I am a member of HG1Z radio club. My
US call sign is N3UKJ, FCC Extra.
I qsl via buro, but if you
urgently need it via CBA is OK. I am ready for skeds on all H.F. bands (except 160 m - no
ant.) on CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK31, SSTV, PACKET and FELD-HELL to help you to improve your band/mode score.
Please use the applet
below to search my log. It contains more than 8000 QSOs. My log is on computer since
November 1996, my old logs are still on paper. I can search my old logbooks on request.
Email QSL requests for
buro cards are welcome, however I need your real QSL card! I am against "digital
QSLing". I never call any station again that ever failed to send a qsl to me!
My email is, I check my mailbox
every day!
radio |
ICOM IC-720A OR YAESU FT-757, 100 W for HF
handhelds for 2 m FM |
linear |
max. 1 kW PEP output with GU43B lamp, (rarely used) |
antenna |
FB-53-like beam
dipoles (now my only antennas, I just moved)
9 el F9FT and "J" for 2 m FM |
PC |
Geo 386SX laptop
Olivetti 486DX2 laptop
CPU Intel Celeron 333A, Abit BX6, 64 Mb RAM |
rtty |
TONO 9000, sound card + DSP software |
packet |
GP software, Baycom modem |
el-key |
ETM-8C memory keyer |
Jun 17, 1999.
band -MHz |
1,8 |
3,5 |
7 |
10 |
14 |
18 |
21 |
24 |
28 |
total |
worked |
44 |
219 |
250 |
208 |
259 |
184 |
217 |
143 |
181 |
309 |
confirmed |
20 |
175 |
213 |
129 |
224 |
110 |
173 |
72 |
146 |
306 |
Please, use this applet
to search my log. Wildcard* is allowed.
Contains QSOs between 01/09/96 and 17/06/99.
See you on
the bands! 73 DX de Tomi, HA1RW
How can I help you? Send me an email:
This page last updated on Jun 17, 1999. Hit counter since 17/02/1998:
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